When Lipinets is hitting Mikey, Mikey hits him back more and harder. Probably a good idea to for Lipinets to stop hitting Garcia.
Can't/won't block a jab to save his nose. Jab/Right is perfect....that left hook is none existing for long period of the fight....
But will get Ko'ed by a left hook.....if he get's ko. these Showtime commentator are crazy..."this could be a Lipi round..."no it can't...
I think Lipinets won the 6th but not sure if the judges have given him anything so far. He's going to need to step it up even if it's risk.
After that knockdown by a left hook....Garcia RIGHTS are really rocking Lipi....he was able to take them but something happen after that left hook....
10-8 round and Lipinets is busted up. Garcia could coast and just wait for openings now if he feels like it.
Limpnuts recovered well. This guy is pretty good for a borderline gayge fighter, far better than pillowfists mcgregory.
kickboxing...it's close enough....N yes if he isn't to damage after this fight..I wouldn't might watching him in an undercard somewhere....he's game...even when completely outclass...ed
Kickboxing = borderline gayge fighting. Honestly kickboxers are generally pretty fucking scrubby compared to actual boxers.
Garcia is in control even though Lipinets had a decent round. Has to be frustrating for him as every time he manages to gain a little advantage Mikey is able to answer immediately.
WHATEVER I DON'T CARE...I would think they have much better hands/footwork than your TOP mma fighter...
Garcia didn't look spectacular but he moved up in weight for a title and took care of business. If his opponent provided a stiffer test he could have shown another level but it wasn't required.
Garcia won, but Lipinets proved to be a quality fighter. Garcia better not DREAM of moving up to challenge the elite at 147. Simply too small.
Tbh I thought he did provide a pretty stiff test. I don't think MG was in cruise control at all, this was his toughest fight.