On HBO this weekend. The BROWN guy is Dillian WHYTE, whereas the WHITE one is Lucas BROWNE. Both these guys are willing, big-punching and crappy, so this has the potential to be one of those entertaining sloppy bum fights. WHYTE is clearly the better skilled and, incredibly enough, has the clear edge in speed, as BROWNE is the slowest fighter in the history of the sport. However WHYTE gets hit a lot and BROWNE, if nothing else, punches heavy. WHYTE prevails BROWNE, meaning BROWN prevails WHITE, in seven rounds or so
For some reason I think that the White guy Browne beats the Brown guy Whyte. Although the Brown Whyte is faster and more skilled than the White Browne I feel that the Brown guy is the sort that would find a way to lose and that the White guy will be an overachiever. So Whyte loses to Browne and thusly White prevails over Brown, in this instance.
I'm sure when Max is done explaining why in the fuck they're showing Fox Sports quality matchups, and draws on his experience with ESPN hyping shit fights, that we will all be grateful this is what we get for $12 a month.
You Made a VALID Point Though... "Cletus" is a COUNTRY Dude's Name...An OLD Country Dude, @ That... Not the Name of a Late 20's-30ish Jewish Dude from the Northeast... What Next, an Irish Millennial from New York Named Bubba, Wesley, Billy Ray or Levi???... REED
I doubt many people outside of the U.S. are named Bubba or Billy Ray. I've know a few Wesleys. Only one Levi, but he was Hungarian so the name was probably shortened/altered to something more Anglo.
Since HBO shows the replay Spoiler: Spoiler Very Brutal KO. As I mentioned, Browne is the slowest heavyweight ever (slower than Butterbean I shit you not) and Whyte got to tee off free shots all night. Not much of entertainment unless you like muggings (who doesn't though) but the finish was scary
Whyte looked really good, but Browne was old, out of shape and a big pile of basura even in his prime. Can't glean much from it
If you watch some of his interviews, especially the early ones, for some reason he's always interviewed on a random street corner in Brixton ranting about something. The guy has an extra large portion of chips on his shoulder, it's great.