I saw the first trailer which had less kinetic editing shots and looked stupid as hell. Kudos to the editor of this second trailer...it will fool many.
This is like a Mix of Venom, John Wick and an episode of Arrow where they created that device that heals cripples.
Remind me of the plot - it sounds familiar. It´s not the one with Armie Hammer and Brie Larson - stuck in the warehouse with all the other gangsters?
I actually read a review that said this movie was good and fun. It also has a 7.8 on IMDB and 86% on rotten tomatoes. Going off all of that and the trailer I’m pretty interested in seeing it. Problem for me is it isn’t even scheduled to come to Japan. The guy from Prometheus is playing the lead. Dude is a very good actor and has shown real depth in an awesome tv series I’ve been watching called Quarry.
Yeah I liked that show. It wasn’t the best story in the world but the quality of the direction, actors, cinematography and dialogue was on a movie type level. I quit right before the last episode though, because I read it didn’t get picked up for another season.