I’m of two minds of it. On one hand, Mikey has the talent and skills to win this. On the other hand, Corrales can hit and his punches are not slow. His short left hook was a fight changing counter punch.
I just remember Mikey's brother hitting Corrales with everything but the kitchen sink. Didn't matter.
Garcia would fuck him up and knock him out. Two different levels of fighter. Chico has a punchers chance but so does Mikey against a guy with a weak chin and no defense or footwork.
LMAO. I just remember Floyd and Casamayor dribbling him off the ring like an uncoordinated basketball and punching holes in his face and Castillo flattening him. “Didn’t matter”. Lol
Exactly. Mickey has really shown is limitations in the last few fights. Looked very average against not so good opposition. I'm pretty sure Corrales would have blasted out Easter bunny. I think I'd pick corrales also
Lmao at talking about Garcia’s limitations as he barely loses rounds against undefeated champs and hyping Chico. I liked the guy too, but come on. He’s got a punchers chance and his punchers chance never won him a fight against someone with real skills and talent. Chico’s not an all time great that deserves any benefit of the doubt. If he looks like he’d get ktfo that’s probably what’s happens.
Oh wow, the guy was an undefeated champion cause he beat no one and needed friendly judges to beat Fortuna. Struggling but eventually koing Freitas is much more impressive than looking average against him
He was a skilled brawler but he didn’t really have the option to exploit Chico’s flaws, other than beating the shit out of him because he had no defense.
I am and let’s not pretend Diego didn’t take the beating of his life and pull a horse shoe out of his ass against Castillo.
Castillo barely scraped past Johnston, Casamayor and Juan fucking Lazcano, but you’re pretty sure he beats Mikey Garcia?
Barely scrapes by? He beat the living shit out of Lazcano and Casamayor. The Johnston fights were close but Johnston was a good fucking fighter.
Lmao. A lot of people thought he lost to Casamayor and he lost 4 or 5 rounds to Lazcano. You’re delusional.
Corrales gets my vote. Garcia has zero to no head movement. While he would catch Corrales with counters, Garcia is fairly stationary and again...doesn't move his head. At some point Corrales catches him. Garcia's head is as stationary as a T-ball. You simply cannot stand infront of Corrales with that little head movement and not move your feet. That's a recipe for disaster. Simply a case where Garcia is obviously a better all-around fighter but his greatest weakness plays into the strengths of Corrales...a short, accurate, powerful puncher.
I don't see any proof that Garcia is a better fighter at 135 than Corrales was. Cassamayor, Freitas and Castillo shits on everyone he beat at that weight
The Mikey love affair is becoming a bit much. You would think the guy had the resume of Ezzard Charles or something.