First of All, REED Said Kovalev “Didn’t Seem” to Have Remorse. Second of All, How Convenient of You to Afford Kovalev the Benefit of the Doubt, Reminding REED He Hasn’t Been Privy to Kovalev to KNOW One Way or the Other, When Just Yesterday You were PERFECTLY WILLING to Accept Wilder Speaking the Statements in the Title of This Thread. Were YOU In the Hotel That Day? REED
If Memory Serves, Breazeale FOUGHT That Day, Which Opens the Door for a Multitude of Plausible Explanations Bruh. Ears Ringing, Mildly Concussed, etc. Perhaps Breazeale Had a Drink or 3 in the Post Fight, Who Knows? Wilder’s Crew Consists of Mostly Southern Fried Brothers Who Probably Speak and SOUND Like Wilder. If 20 Dudes Approaches Your Family, You’re Not Necessarily Fixated On 1 Individual Either. To Be Clear, REED Is Not Flat Out Refusing to Accept the Possibility Wilder Said It, REED Is Arguing AGAINST the Readily Accepted Notion Wilder DEFINITELY Said It. REED
Guy's totally unappealing. Talks about wanting to kill people. And he's a total asshole. But to you, the only reason someone would criticize him is because he's black? Lol. Sad thing is, only reason you're defending him is because he's black. Think about where that will get you.
Why do you act like it is so hard to believe that Wilder actually said something like this? Which is the same type of behavior that he has exhibited in the past.
"Unappealing" Based On?... Your Preference PRECEDES You Doub...It's Common Knowledge You LOATHE Vocal, Flashy Brothers...But That Says More About YOU than it Does Those Brothers... Funny Thing Is, You Actually LIKED the Flashy, Vocal Jason Litzau...Hmmmm???... Being "Unappealing" to a WANNABE Conservative PRICK is a COMPLIMENT in Many Walks of Life...Mediate about THAT... REED
I can easily picture this scenario. Don't do it in front of my wife and kids... FUCK your wife and kids man... I can EASILY see Wilder yelling it out in midst of some back and forth . It's not like he did it during some sit down 60 minutes interview... He probably yelled it out before thinking it through and that's that..
Any boxer with flabby muscles & manboobs needs to be KOd silly and taken out from the ring in a stretcher.
Yep. Fake Conservatives Are ABOVE Typographical Errors. ‘Preciate You Grading and Spell Checking Mesaageboard Posts. And by ‘Preciate, REED Means “Appreciate”. REED
Looks Like Wilder DIDN'T Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt REED Granted Him.... Wilder Makes Controversial Comment About Breazeale's Son Apparently He Said THIS to FightHype, Not Looooooooooooong Ago... "We already know what Dominic Breazeale is doing. He’s trying to talk me into fighting him - which is not working. My mind is already made up on that Breazeale fight, and when it do happen I'm gonna make sure he brings his son on the stage to look the man in the eye that’s gonna cripple his daddy,” Wilder told REED Never Heard Wilder Reference a Fighter's Wife/Kids Before and ASSumed Having a Family of His Own Would Provide Enough PERSPECTIVE to Prevent Deontay from Going THERE...Looks Like REED was WRONG in that ASSumption...Any Man Who Would Reference a Fighter's SON in This Fashion Would Definitely Say "Fuck Your Wife and Kids"...Sorry for Arguing OTHERWISE Fightbeat... Rest Assured, Karma WILL Knock on Widler's Door SOONER Rather than Later... REED
Honestly, I don't really get the outrage over this. A man that get punched in the head for a living should never be used as a role model, and tons of legends said similar shit and are pretty much adored for it.
Do You Have a Wife and/or Children?...If You Don't, You Can't Possibly Imagine Just How Fucking DISRESPECTFUL It is to Take Unwarranted Shots @ Them... Anything Goes in Regards to the Fighter HIMSELF...You Want to Reference Hospitalizing Him, Killing Him, Raping Him? Have @ It, REED Honestly Couldn't Care Less... But Target that INDIVIDUAL Exclusively Or @ Worst Him and his Clique... Nobody WANTS Nor SHOULD Have to Be Concerned for the Well Being of their Wife and Kids Before or After a Sporting Event, Nor Should Those Elements Be Used for Shit Talking Purposes...It's an Unwritten Rule that Exists Because NOBODY Wants This to Happen to Them... Wilder's Infamous Altercation w/Charlie Zelenoff was Due to Charlie Z Talking Shit about Deontay's Daughter, Who Suffers from Spina Bifida...Wilder Certainly DIDN'T Take Kindly to Being Trolled in that Fashion, Yet he's Doing JUST That to Breazeale? Fuck That... There's a TRILLION and 1 Ways to Get Your Point Across, in a CRASS Manner, w/Out Referencing a Man's Wife and Kids...Some Shit Is and SHOULD Be Sacred Bruh... You'll GET it One Day... REED
I guess I'm simply not as soft as you are loaded. Edit: I must say that I do have an issue with Wilder attacking him with his team in the Hotel lobby. This is the real disgusting act (if it really happened as Brazeale claims), not some meaningless words edit 2: According to Wilder, Brazeale told Wilders' brother that he would kill his entire family
I'd venture to say that... no, that dipshit JOM definitely doesn't have a wife or kids. You ESPECIALLY don't reference a man's kids. A wife is one thing, and that is low.... a man will FIGHT over disrespect to his wife. But when you go at a man's kids.... that's the shit that gets you killed. I know Duran was mentioned earlier in this thread, and it's well known that Duran disrespected Leonard's wife before the Montreal fight. But I highly doubt Duran ever stooped as low as going after Ray's young son with his trash talk.
Leonard actually said that Duran was very nice to his young son when they met for some sort of Sprite commercial they did together. Talked about it in his book.