No, you're a daft cunt. You could read three posts from both and immediately recognize they are two different people if you weren't such a fucking idiot.
Youre so naive, oblivuous and gullible that your whore of a wife must be able to get out of pretty much every situations with some bad lies
One of the more active posters in this thread just recently complained because I had insulted him, as I had called his opinion juvenile. Luckily we haven't seen such vulgar profanities here
Lol you actually edited this post? This is the finished product? Jeffy and Loaded write as similarly as REED and Double L. You're a witless buffoon
Actually that was not the context where Wilder made the “body” comment. He wasn’t talking about being angry. From my recollection he was more or less asked what was something he wanted out of boxing and his response was “catching a body “ and I remember feeling completely turned off and disgusted by him saying that. It’s a terrible thing to say in a sport where people do occasionally die, and whether he said it for attention, or hype or whether he actually meant it doesn’t matter, it’s one of the most classless and disgusting lines I’ve ever heard in the sport. I actually tuned in to the breakfast club the next day hoping to hear he was being vilified for his comments, and although he was, due to the lack of popularity of him and the sport of boxing it never reached the level of outrage that it should have. I mean did any of the sport outlets on tv even mention it? You leave Anthony out of this damnit!
Yeah Wilder comes on here at the end and you hear his take where he claims Breaz was playing the victim role and Wilder claiming he doesn’t ever roll with that many people. Note he never denied actually saying it and then this is the interview where he makes the claim about wanting Breaz’ son to see it. What struck me about hearing him say that on this interview was how much it really reminded me of when he said the “catch a body “ comment on his breakfast club interview. With the way Wilder is coming off lately I’m finding it hard to root for him. I could really see him making that “fuck your wife and kids” statement because he’s got all his people around him and that just feeds into a mob mentality that can make people act outside of themselves.
Wilder just needs a humbling lesson. He thinks he’s untouchable and unbeatable due to the casuals whom are behind him.
Wilder vs Joshua is gonna be tough. Do you root for the piece of shit Wilder? Or do you root for the piece of shit Hearn? Both are likely sociopaths. I guess root for AJ. Joshua is dumb as a hammer, but seems like a decent bloke. Just simple minded.