Gotta be the complete cluster fuck that is Anaconda. Literally the ONLY entertaining aspect of Anaconda is John Voight's comical South American accent. Either that, or Congo.. another abortion of a movie. Lake Placid is bad, but it's also hilarious and witty, so it cant be nominated.
I think so, but I barely remember it. Technically, the correct answer to this question is Birdemic. But Birdemic is so bad that it's hilarious and awesome. I could always rewatch it. Anaconda is just bad.
My guilty pleasure movie in this sub-genre is Orca. A shameless, over-the-top, Jaws wannabe, but I've always found it entertaining.
Too many to mention but: The Swarm Squirm Pirahna Bug Grizzly Orca Empire Of The Ants Night Of The Lepus was awful: giant fuckin rabbits!
"Lake Placid" was pretty great. "Pinanha" was pure exploitative camp, but entertaining and funny enough to give it a guilty thumbs up. "Anaconda" is partway worth it because of Jon Voight, as has already been said. "Anacondas - The Hunt For The Blood Orchid" might be a good candidate. I mean, "Anaconda" can't be the worst in a world where "Anacondas" exists.
I saw Hunt For The Blood Orchid. It's terrible, but I'd say that the original is slightly worse. And yeah, Lake Placid is funny with witty dialogue. Doesn't take itself too seriously. It's as much a dark comedy as it is a disaster thriller.
I have a great idea for a movie. A shark evolves to have legs. He climbs out of the water, eats people and disappears back in the water again. The people are puzzled about who is the killer.
Easily Deep Blue Sea 2... I can’t believethat they even ALLOWED that crap to be released. Even if it was straight to DVD. Makes Jaws The Revenge look like a masterpiece.