Do you think Roy could've beaten Lennox had they met in summer 2003? Could Lennox have hit him clean or would Roy have been too fast to catch?
Unification Would've Been the Only Bit of Intrigue in Jones-Byrd...If it Got to a Point Where the Winner was UNDISPUTED Heavyweight Champion, it'd Have Happened for Sure... Stylistically, They Could Fight 10 Times and 9 of Them Would Be Boring Feint-Fests; a Chess Match Where Each is Reluctant to Lead...Jones-Byrd Would Have ZERO Rewatchability and it's Highly Doubtful Either Would Look "Impressive", Per Se... In Some Cases You're GLAD a Particular Fight Never Materialized...Jones-Byrd is 1 of Those Instances for REED...It's NOT Like Beating Byrd Would've Enhanced Roy's Legacy and Yes, Byrd's Height, Skill, Ring Smarts and Souf'Paw Stance Could Pose Problems... Had There Been MORE @ Stake, Jones-Byrd Would've Happened in REED's Opinion...But Since There Wasn't and Since Their Styles Meshed TERRIBLY (On Paper Anyways), it Wasn't a Big Deal @ All That they Never Fought... Would've Been a Better Fight Had Byrd Went After a Supermiddle or Light Heavy Title After the Olympics, Pursued Crusier THEN Moved Up to Heavy...@ SOME Point Along the Way, Him and Roy Would've Been on Each Other's Radar...But Byrd Never Had a SERIOUS Pro Fight Below Heavyweight, Until the Ill Advised Move to Light Heavy, Very Late in his Career... REED
As Creative as REED Is and as Much as he WANTS To, He Can't Fathom a Scenario Where Roy Beats Lennox Lewis... Roy Would Have to Fight Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo NEGATIVELY, Just to Get Thru Rounds, It'd Be Next to Impossible to Score Them in His Favor...And He Couldn't Risk Engaging In a Single Punching Exchange w/Lennox...If Lennox Landed a FLUSH Jab, it Potentially Could End Roy... 6'5, 245 vs. 5'11, (Manufactured) 200ish...There's Weight Classes for a Reason...That Said, if Roy Could Finagle His Way to Being Quasi-Competitive and/or Last the Distance, It'd Have Been Some GOAT Status Shit... REED
Right?!… But Here's How Great Roy Jones Was; Gave Away 33lbs, Beat a Younger Ruiz. Lost 25lbs in 6 Weeks, BEAT Tarver, a Fact MOST Motherfucker's Forget... But Because the WIN Over Tarver Wasn't Decisive Enough, Wasn't Up to "Roy Jones Standards", There was an Immediate RE...And EVERYTHING Went to Shit from There, Obviously:(... No, Roy SHOULDN'T Have Moved Back to '75 at All. Personally, REED Wishes Roy Never Came Back Down from Heavy....WORST Case Scenario, he Should've Moved No Lower than Crusier...Like You Said...Motherfucker Won Titles at '60, '68, '75 and Heavy...All That's Missing is a Crusier Title... REED:(
I tend to underrate Jones nowadays, probably because of th pathetic last years of his career. Just relooked at Jones vs Topney, and it reminded me how incredibly good he was in his prime
A damn sporting tragedy. Was pretty sure RJJ would have beaten Jones and Tyson. Lennox had me terrified but it was worth the risk for Roy and he would have pulled 100 million. Lennox was the one who didn't want the fight, really. Other than money he had everything to lose.
Lewis would have made Roy's skull implode with one flush right hand. Money and legacy are great, sure, but you're talking about a former 154-pounder taking on a super-heavyweight, and not just any super-heavyweight, arguably the best SHW of all time. Certainly one of the hardest hitting big men ever, when you couple that with the skills, it's a recipe for disaster. I was a big fan of Roy but as good as he may have been there's a point where it gets ridiculous, the size is far too much.
Roy was a country boy and not the best spoken but "60-40 ...I kick you ass", said as it was off the cuff and live on TV might just be the best quip he could have possibly come out with. Perhaps verbally he was at his best like he was fistically..........when he didn't think about things, they came naturally. Hopkins ironically had his entire routine lined up and ready to deliver and still sounded like a bumbling, stuttering 3rd rate politician. He sounded like Ted Cruz. "LYING BERNARD"!!! By the way did anybody else think that Merchant missed the insult delivered by Jones or was Jones referring to somebody else when he said "Sounds like TWO cat's who don't know what the hell they talkin about".
"60/40" is Roy's Most Memorable Rant Ever, by a Mile...The Griffin II Post-Fight Rant Was Good Also, but it was Loooooooooooooonger and Not as Direct... As X Alluded To, EVERYfuckingTIME "60/40" is Uttered, in ANY Setting or Capacity, Roy Jones is the First Thing that Springs to Mind...Could Be a Business Meeting, Divorce Settlement, Contractual Split for Another Fight, Whatever...Roy Jones... Roy Felt Like He was Being Verbally Ambushed and Was Triggered When Bernard Said "....I'm Bigger than Bernard Hopkins, but I Don't Wanna Fight Him"...Roy Responded "I Never Said 'Don't Want To', I Never Said 'Don't Want To' " and was Pissed Off and Unrehearsed. The Set-Up was Definitely More Advantageous for BHop...He Spoke 1st and Got Significantly MORE Words In, Yet Roy Owned the MOMENT Undoubtedly... REED
whether jones had leverage back then or not, im sure he wishes he'd have taken 50 % of what the PP V coulda netted at the height of its interest.
In hindsight, he probably wishes he had retired after the Ruiz fight as the WBA heavyweight champion. Or at the least, retired after winning the first Tarver fight. Everything went to hell after that.