This used to be on WPIX out of Manhattan like 5 times a year when I was little... I think I've seen it 30 times... dated, but a good movie
Another complete cunt that is totally overrated by arty-cunts and hipsters. That said, The Piper At The Gates of Dawn is pretty cool for a party...
Piper was pure brilliance, I like the other Barrett-era Floyd stuff too like See Emily Play, Vegetable Man, Lucy Leave, Scream Thy Last Scream etc Not really a big fan of Barrett's solo work. Some of it's ok, most of it I just find kinda boring tbh.
Ha. I don't really care too much about the lyrics (although they are very corny I agree), it's the music itself that appeals to me most.
You better get your facts straight, twaaat. This is fightbeat, not dollcollectingbeat... here, you bring the A game or you get smashed
He was an ok rock guitarist and had decent melodic ideas but his demise is the reason he's famous really
Couple questions. Can you play the exact strum patterns of any Dylan songs? Also, what is your opinion of Willie Nelson guitar playing? Saw him live friday (with Van Morrison) and was reminded how unique his style is. By the way, Nelson's son looks to be a really good guitarist.
First question... yeah I could... Dylan doesn't play anything particularly complex... I'd have more trouble with exact re-creations of somebody playing a style I'm not well-versed in like Flamenco or Finger picking with picks I love the way Willie Nelson plays... not complex but soulful with a jazz influence... he often uses chords in his songs that are very uncommon in country music, more often found in jazz standards... he's a unique artist, even his singing is very unconventional (same with Van Morrison) Not surprised to hear that about his son... genes combined with environment
As long as I knew the tunings he was using, yeah I probably could manage .., never got into him but I know he seldom had his guitar in standard tuning
Soundgarden is like that, almost nothing in standard tuning .., that's why you'd go to play one of their tunes and you'd say "that's impossible" because you would neeed an extra half a foot of finger length to get the exact same voicing your hearing on the record and you'd realize it's some weird tuning ... you tune it like them and all the sudden it's the most stupidly easy thing to play
Simple Twist of Fate is like that That comes from blues... Open E and Open G are the most common tunings when using a slide
Capos plus weird tunings pretty much Keith Richards after about 1969 spent 90% of his time in open G and very often would add a capo ... he went so far as to have one of his Telecasters modified to 5 strings to eliminate the lowest string which in open G is usually tuned to D in order to make sure that the dominant low tone was truly G