Nope, never occurred to me...and here's why.... Every heterosexual man (especially a black man who's an athlete on top of that) is going to take advantage of sexy women fawning all over them. I was there and I'm telling you that the club was loaded with beautiful women that night (probably because word was out that Lewis would be there). He had ZERO interest. He didn't even have a mischievous look in his eyes. Nothing. nada. Zero interest. Any other athlete would have flirted at the very least. I've seen Linford Christie at Clubs and he would take advantage of the swarming like any good man should.
Maybe Lennox had already banged like 4 different chicks that day and his nuts were just drained which gave him that sleepy gay look?
This is beyond absurd. Unless you either A. Personally know Lewis, well enough to read his mood. or B. Are literally in his fucking head, then you have no clue whether he was interested or not. I know Lewis about as well as you do, which is to say neither one of us know a goddamn thing about him. From what I THINK (not know) he's a bit of a lowkey introvert. So it's not surprising he wasn't kicking game to bitches in the club, and I'm sure he didn't find his wife on the club scene.
Sly could have seen Kevin Spacey in a club laughing and talking with a few chicks, and from that alone, deduced that Spacey must be a womanizer.
Staffattz in yet another "Im-terrified-of-homosexuality-so-I'll-illustrate-another-of-my-useless-stories-to-prove-YES-PROVE-I-cant-be-gay-and-I-hate-gays'. It's fascinating.
True...I can't read minds but usually you can tell if someone is interested in something. But fair enough, no way of really telling. When he finally comes out of the closet, however, remember this thread.
Give it up sly. Lennox isn't gay at all. And looking at the stories of Ronaldo this week with the series of rape allegations recently coming from women he met in night clubs and had sex with from years back, Lennox was smart to avoid these prostitutes who were trying to get cozy with him in the clubs. He stayed on the straight and narrow. Good for him.
Having hot women fawning all over you would be exciting for regular guys who otherwise won't have a shot. But when you're a multimillionaire world famous boxer like Lennox, he's seeing that sh*t every day. Why would he go nuts? It's accessible to him anywhere and everywhere. You only take advantage if you're not getting it on the regular.
Uhhhh... I think that means that Lewis simply had more fucking sense than Tyson and Kobe. It's also a bit misleading to compare Lewis with Tyson/Kobe. In the 2000s Kobe was arguably the most famous athlete on Earth. At worst top 5. And Mike.... there was a point when he was arguably the most famous HUMAN on Earth period. He was more famous than Jordan at one point. Lewis was never a megastar of the level of a Tyson/Kobe.
Lennox has never been in the news the day he retired. Since he retired, he got married and had 4 children. Not every athlete is enamoured with sluts and prostitutes.
"Look at that Lennox Lewis. In his 50s and has the nerve to be a low-key family man. What a fag! He should be a real man and put a stack of hundred dollar bills to his ear pretending it's a phone." - Sly logic.
So all black men including ones with wives and girlfriends and children are sex predators and can't resist temptations of women in clubs?
Do you know why the white man invented the game “pool”, which is controlled by a white ball and the game is only won when after the white ball knocks the shit out of the red balls and the yellow balls it drives the black ball completely off the table? It’s because of the white man’s fear of the sexual potency of black balls!! (Copyright “Boomerang”).
Once again, its awfully interesting that the most homophobic poster on Fightbeat is also the one obsessed with sexual orientation.
I think something else happened that night between Lewis and Sly which has ignited so much hate from Sly towards Lewis. Sly was telling all his buddies that he was friends with Lewis. And his buddies said he was full of sh*t. So Sly tries to prove it by walking up to Lewis and going "Hey bud, how are you?" And Lewis told him to get lost. And all of Sly's buddies laughed while Sly was made to look a complete knob.
The most interesting thing to me is that Xplosive is actually defending Lennox after ALL these years! Never thought I'd see that happening.
You mention sexual orientation far more than me, pal. How many times have you posted that gay looking pic of Don Curry along with some gay suggestive message? Pot calling kettle....