Liam 'angry-ex-cop/soldier-on-a-mission-to-save-people-kill-tons-of-baddies' Neeson. Avoid* *(except maybe Staffatz)
Yeah, because we're really, really short of those fun-dont-take-it-seriously-brains-of-popcorn type movies, right?
Ehhh, this is one that I'll skip it theatres, but will probably watch it once its streaming on the fire stick. Neeson's last flick looked too corny to even bother with all together.
Denzel and Liam Neeson might as well team up in their next film, since both play the same kinda character nowadays in every movie. Maybe Denzel's daughter and Neeson's son are on a date, and are ambushed and executed by thugs, and the two join forces to exact revenge. Call it "Men on Fire Out to Equalize The Score for Those Who Were Taken."
Liam varies in roles. Some he doesnt take serious and some he does. And you never knows until you watch it. When he takes a role serious and does serious acting, it's terrific. Lets not forget this man is a top notch actor.
The Grey Walk Among the Tombstones Run all Night Were good. The Grey Being great. Also Non Stop was a decent movie.
I have to admit I have never watched any of the TAKEN films nor any other of the Neeson's action films simply because I can believe him in those characters. It is like when someone gave Meryl Streep an action film. Please...
But....but..."they're fun...they don't take themselves seriously....they're not why do we keep bashing everything that isn't??"
I would watch the ones i mentioned. They aren't Neeson being invincible. They show lots of vulnerability an aging person would face.
Yeah but Neesons is in it and he sucks, it’s directed by some guy who sucks and I’m not particularly fond of that genre, whichever one it is it sucks. Avoid. - Mostarda
Walk Among The Tombstones. It's the best of the Liam Neeson chasing after sex traffickers/criminals genre.
Is it one of those movies that "doesn't take itself too seriously" or "not Oscar-worthy" that those clever people who know about movies can "pre-criticize" without seeing it first?
I only liked Liam Neeson in Rob Roy and as Qui Gon Jinn, the only decent character in The Phantom Menace that wasn't called Darth Maul...
Darth Maul was one of the principle reasons that movie sucked ... the actor was like 5'7 and looked like some cheesy late 90s metal guy ... corny as fuck Not surprised this daft cunt was thrilled
Correct. Looked like sonething from a really stupid naff Halloween party and he jumped around like a fucking dancer.
Just saw this. Good movie! Nice blend of a revenge flick mixed with a dark, witty comedy. I just bet Liam Neeson wishes he had some black people to kill in this... 8/10
Liam Neeson: a 'serious' actor, starring in the most shittest movies any actor has starred in. * dead wife * big dick * hates darkie * The End