Ali- Has to be the architect of what many fighters would go on to become. The likes of Camacho and Hamed took a lot from him in terms of how they talked and spoke about themselves. Of course Ali had a charisma that was contagious. His self belief was second to none and on top of that he was hilarious in not just what he was saying, but HOW he said it with his intonation and facial expressions. Hamed- Say what you want about him as far as being overrated, but I always found him to be an absolute RIOT. His press conferences and interviews were always entertaining. And he always said funny things. I know he’s not the most popular guy around here and I get why. But the man was comedy when he would talk. Bad trash talkers Floyd- Incredible fighter. Once in a generation talent. But is a try hard with zero charisma. Whenever he talks trash, I find him annoying. Wilder- Similar to Mayweather but without the ability. At least Floyd had ability. Wilder talks as if he’s the second coming of Tyson but has no personality nor any delivery. He’s just annoying and unlikeable. Whom else?
There was a Tongue-in-Cheek Quality to Ali and Hamed's Shit Talk, that ENDEARED Them to REED... Early Days Adrien Broner Had Traces of This as Well, w/the Hair Brushing, the Fake Proposal, the "Can Man" Routine, etc... REED
Ali has to be top. Then Hamed, the Kelley conference in particular was great. It was always obviously tongue-in-cheek. Tyson was funny, scary too at times but some of the shit he used to say was so absurdly over the top you couldn't help but laugh. Tyson Fury is funny. I don't know if he really counts as a trash-talker as such, but I liked when Froch did his shit-talking. It had no effect on Ward but the face-off thing he did with Groves before the rematch was a masterclass in getting into an opponent's head, plus it was really funny. Floyd is the worst, but he's so persistent with it and so tedious and annoying that it kinda works anyway. I never thought Broner was amusing in the slightest. Agreed that Wilder is just annoying.
Never been much of a fan of trash talk unless it's funny and/or the fighter backs it up. Pre-slurring James Toney was pretty good at both.
Fury is hilarious. Froch was funny too. Especially during the press conferences with Arthur Abraham. James Toney when he was doing his thing as a fighter was always great to listen to before he became a parody once he started slurring. Broner was funny in the beginning, but his act wore out very quick when he was noticeably trying too hard to be Floyd. Now he’s just sad to watch. Roy Jones when he put his mind to it was a very good trash talker.
Greg Haugen was a funny trash talker but I'm with Whiskey on this, I don't really care for it unless a guy is genuinely witty... Ali was funny and capable of self-deprecation so he could mostly get away with it but that's not common
I would assume once the bell rings it all goes out the window but i'm curious if there were any points he regretted his words or if they even crossed his mind. Not only did he have an absolutely enormous partisan crowd against him, Chavez was carrying him to do more damage. Even with all the adrenaline going on he must have realized he was a mouse trapped in a cage with a hungry cat.
He couldn't even resist loudly singing along with the star spangled banner beforehand ... any chance to piss off 120,000 people some more
Overall, Haugen deserved what he got, especially when heade that comment about the Mexicans couldn’t afford to fill up Azteca stadium(Though it was funny when he said it).But he had that flogging coming to him and he took his beating like a man so you gotta give it up to him for that. Maidana vs Broner kind of reminded me of it but Broner’s act wore thin real fast and he just became annoying and obnoxious. So when Maidana beat his ass, it was also a sweet beating to watch. I’d give Broner credit but he tried to fake a foul and get Maidana DQ’d so that overrode the fact that he otherwise did show some heart and fought back in defeat.
Agreed. Haugen was very limited and completely over in head against Chavez but he was a tough guy and gutted it out. A lot of fighters would have said fuck it and looked for an easy way out.
Oh and BTW, Tyson Fury IMO is a faaarrrrrrr better trash talker than Conor. FAAARRRR better. Fury is genuine, witty, and unscripted. No facade, he's always just being himself. McQuitter is all an act, and he's not as quick-witted and as funny as Fury.
Conor puts on a better performance. Has better delivery. Fury does have better natural wit but fails in the delivery department.
Conor is alright, but he made Floyd look sooooooooo out of his depth in terms of trash talking. It was painful to watch Floyd engage in that wwe style of promoting the fight and Conor just making him look like a fool. Fury is a better trash talker than Conor for me, though. More charismatic and witty.