If boxing is banned, sure it will ''survive'' underground but just the same way pedophilia, cock fighting or bestiality has. In other words, it will only attract and be viewed by a much smaller %%% of people than now. Anyhow, that's how it should be in a perfect world, which is far from the situation we are in. And to be honest, a lot of boxers wouldn't amount to much in society if not for the sport, so at least it's a way for society to integrate some of these misfits (even though it's not especially a good one)
I don’t see it getting banned. If it did it would likely be centuries from now. There are already plenty of provisions that defend against a banning action, such as safety rules, equipment and commissions. Like I said what reason would ever come up to even warrant a ban? Would it be fan outrage? You couldn’t get enough of them together to make that kind of change. Would it be morale righteousness? The sport isn’t going to cut its own pockets and would fight against anyone else that tried. Maybe boxing should be banned but I just don’t see any real reason why or how it even comes close to actually happening.
There Will ALWAYS Be a Place in Society for Guys WILLING to Fight, in REED's Opinion... Like Holyfield Said (Paraphrasing), "People Watch Boxing Because We're Doing Something They Probably Wouldn't Do Themselves"...Even the MEEKEST of Males Have @ Least DREAMT of Being a Badass...A CONQUEROR of Some Sort...Someone NOT to Be Fucked w/… Fighting is Some Raw, Emotional, Instinctual Shit that RESONATES in All of Us, Particularly Dudes...A Person that NEVER Boxed in their Life Will Make a Fist and PUNCH Someone if Properly Provoked...That's Typically the 1st Reaction...& People Who NEVER Will Engage in a Fist Fight Will Stop What They're Doing to WATCH One... May Have Been Ugo or Someone Else, But Someone Basically Said Conflict, Conquering and FIGHTING are Part and Parcel of the Human Experience...There's NEVER Been a Time Where These Elements HAVEN'T Existed... And the Thing is, if Combative Sports WASN'T an Outlet, Most Fighters Would Likely Resort to Crime...Most that Fight for a Living NEED to Fight for a Living....The TRUE Warriors Among Us NEED an Outlet Like Combative Sports for the Greater Good of Society... REED
You might want to see the state of Brian Ortega after his fight with Max Holloway last week. Many MMA fighters are going to die young. Many are already suffering from brain damage and CTE. Many have suffered concussions both in the cage and in training camps and many are killing themselves with massive weight cuts on top. The sport is no safer than boxing.
Then, in my opinion, what will happen is that if we don't get tired of watching it, enough guys will get tired of it happening to them...........we will probably wind up with enough rule-changes and "adjustments" to see it never quite happens. Too much $$$ of course.
If he's even 10% in real life what he's like on here? Guy would be impossible to tolerate for 5 minutes
One gun one bullet. Who gets it? Panchy or buddy? and don't say panchy gets the bullet and I clobber buddy to the death with the gun...
I love everyone. I can't hate the people on this forum who I've been posting with for nearly 20 years. SecondsOut followed by BoxingTime and then FightWorld/FightBeat... I just wish the sport of boxing was still as awesome as it was back then when there was chaos on the forums daily before and after big fights
Most here are probably hilarious to chat with but some you can just tell would be utterly impossible to be around for any appreciable length of time
He posted his wedding photos on here for everyone I remember. I have no idea if it was really him or not though. The forum really let him have it that day.