Ah’m 9/8ths Glaswegian. Ah still cannae get o’er Ye laddies no’ liking ‘Don’t Shoot Me Santa’ as much as me. Next thing Ye know Yeez’ll be saying Yeez dinnae like the Bing Crosby/ David Bowie combo.
Oh the 'remembered in xxx years' counter. Nah. That means nothing. Never has. Looks/Teeth/Health/Ability to walk. Far more useful than some supposed 'punk-fiddly-tiddly-Mick' music that was popular with drunks for a few years in the UK.
Be nice if they even tried to replace some of the repetitive, hackneyed stuff they always play this time of year. I'd forgotten about Cristina Monet. I remember liking this one though, but absolutely no one I know has heard of it, or her.