The black and white portions of the video in particular have me convinced this guy is a phenom . This video works as a promotional tool though because having seen it, I am now looking forward to seeing him.........get ktfo.
"People are calling..............." "Fans said............." "Women all over the WORLD................." "New Yorkers want............" Etc etc.
I love the bit where he does his fancy steps to the side, get's in front of his target...........and doesn't know what to do..........
I love the noises he makes when he "Hits" the target. Like a gentle soft poo falling into a dry toilet. The guys fucking useless. NEXT.
Jeff Mayweather's gone to shit. His channel was ok before, because he was a decent dude and had his own opinions separate from the rest of the Mayweather clan, but ever since the channel became somewhat popular it's gone further and further downhill. They're in their own little bubble over there now, which is why they post shite like this without any shame.
Yeah applauding him for using a term originated on fightbeat by ME, daft cunt You need your skull liquidated
If I had known you invented it, it would not have been funny because it would've been known it originated in your cunt brain which is owned outright by the Left.
Well, to be Anne Frank about it, I first saw LOLocaust being used by the Gestapo when they banned laughing.