Not the entire pile of shit I predicted but took a lot from 2-3 other similar movies (A Quiet Place, The Happening, Dawn Of the Dead/World War Z, etc), I don't like Sanda Bullock much and nothing was really explained about the whys/whats/wherefors but it was entertaining/creepy enough. 6/10
its worth a watch...interesting it's not a monster movie though as you don't ever actually see any monster 6/10 seems right, which for a horror is good
Yeah same. Competent if not completely impressive. Of the "inspirations" tossed out about this movie, you can throw "The Mist" in there to. They even end up in a similar grocery store and got bamboozled by some goon trying to break in through the loading dock area.
The very end also reminded me a bit of "The Book of Eli". I almost think the movie was an homage of sorts. Like "Jarhead" was to Vietnam war movies. Almost.
A stupid pointless movie shouldn't get a 5/10. That makes it passable. It should be more like a 2/10.
This movie is more suited for people who aren't big into horror. They would enjoy it more than horror fans.