I wasnt impressed by trinidad at middleweight I was picking Wright to whip him at 154lbs if they fought in 2000 around the time Trinidad was at his absolute best. So perhaps you ain't talking to the right guy
What a feeling of perseverance and enlightenment you must’ve felt when Wright beat up a shadow of the guy you picked him to beat 3-4 years earlier. But I agree Trinidad didn’t look sharp against Joppy or Hopkins of course.
What kind of odds would you need to bet on Tito if he was fighting GGG instead of Joppy? That is to say you perceived him to be the same guy as in the Vargas fight. This is GGG coming off the Jacobs fight.
He wasn’t making Triple G miss that much at all. He was getting hit plenty and he wasn’t coming with any of the hand speed and firepower that Trinidad had. Be that as it may, Trinidad was indeed shut out by Winky but anyone who can be honest knows that Tito was clearly not the same guy. He even looked flabby and in subpar shape, with his only previous fight being 7 months prior while coming off a 2 year lay off. Plus, Winky was a southpaw who was unusually strong and a good defense.
Prime Trinidad vs a 35 year old golovkin? I'd consider betting on trinidad if he was +300 As for Alvarez's defense, he was in the pocket making golovkin miss alot especially in the first 7 or 8 rounds of the rematch. I dont like Alvarez at all and certainly less than I liked Trinidad but his defense is considerably better than trinidads
Jacobs was the first real threat GGG faced. What odds would you need to bet on Tito against GGG after he fought Murray or Rubio a few years earlier?
I'd need at least +500 vs a younger golovkin to even consider betting on trinidad. I see him getting beatdown, and I dont tend to wager on guys I suspect are gonna get beatdown
So its fair to say your opinion of Trinidad as a fighter went up after he stepped up and fought Whitaker, DLH, Reid and Vargas and you’re opinion of GGG went down after he fought Jacobs and Canelo?
I’d take Joppy over Lemoo. Joppy was the kind of scrappy busy guy that give stiff shitty wingers like Lemoo fits. And he was actually pretty durable.
Lemiuex could punch but he didn’t have much in terms of variety on offense. Joppy had a high work rate and often won rounds simply by being busier. I’d lean towards Joppy in that fight.
More hyperbole from X. Guy barely scraped by Cherifi and Eastman. He might win. Beat the hell out of? Lmao. His defense was shit. And he wasn't much of a puncher. He's not going to outbox Lemoo the way Saunders did. If he could endure 2-3 bombs a round he could possibly win.
Agreed. Such a simple, fundamental style that you don't see a lot of with modern boxers. Hopkins said he was one of his most difficult opponents. And if you look back at his fights you realise he wasn't a defensive fighter per se - his constant high-guard was employed coming foward.
Yes. You had a higher opinion of GGG before he fought top guys. Like we all did. I agree he’s slowed down in the past few years and it would’ve showed if he’d fought Jacobs and Canelo a few years earlier. But he doesn’t have any quality wins in his prime years to back up your perception.
He was ok. His best performances were against welterweights coming up in weight or coming out of retirement. He could never get a decisive win against young prime guys his size.
Neither did Lemoo. And he got out hustled, outboxed and stopped by very mediocre guys. Joppy would slap avalanche the shit out of him. Maybe even stop him. Joppy wasn’t great but he was a durable, game, savvy, really busy fighter.
gtfoh with this shit He was a paper titlist in a shit era for middleweights Hopkins gets rightly knocked down a peg for his middleweight opposition... Joppy's was far worse. He managed to find challengers so shitty that they weren't even good enough for a shot at Hopkins. As for being "game", I don't find it game for a guy to bet he can lose a decision to a guy and spend 12 rounds never trying to actually win Joppy was absolutely nothing
Sure he was. He was a capable pro. He couldn’t deal with Trinidad’s offense but he was a decent fighter.
We’re comparing him to Lemoo. Not some over rated brain damaged scrub from the late 50’s you have a hard on for. Let’s be honest. Your hatred for Trinidad stems from the beating he gave your boy P. He was arguably undefeated until Tito dropped him like a crack rock when the popo shows up.
Fail troll is fail I have no hatred for Trinidad at all. I fully expected him to beat Whitaker at that stage. I don't get emo about this shit like you do.