one of the best fighters of all time. Too bad he didn’t start out as a light heavy. His skills were extraordinary,...rock solid chin, limitless stamina, fantastic defense, great combination puncher with very overlooked handspeed, and underrated power
One of the best I saw when he was on and gave a fuck. Loved his style of sitting in the pocket and slipping and countering. Great trash talker to boot.
Good another James Toney thread - one of the greatest pure boxers ever. I posted an appreciation thread not long ago and as a bonus, you even get to see Double loL for a few laughs: James Toney: appreciation thread
1) Better thread already exists on this subject. 2) "Family Guy" avatar = fail 3) Nobody gave a shit what you thought about anything when you were mob or tonton 4) kill yourself with a mudball
I'm a huge Toney fan, but it's hard to call him "one of the best fighters of all time." That's a bit of stretch. You can however call him one of the smoothest technicians of all time. Cause he certainly was at his best. He definitely belongs in the Hall though. I expect him to get in First Ballot.
You can call him one of the best in terms of ability, just not one of the greatest in terms of accomplishment. His fights with Mccallum are just about the best showcase and advert for the pure craft of boxing I can think of
Why not? What's 'bad' about being one of the most natural fighting talents ever from 160 all the way to Heavyweight? Can't think of any others who have done that (Jones Jr doesnt count).
Please... I'm not some guy standing up in a rowboat just waiting to be drilled by a mudball thrown by an idiot