Has this been discussed? Couldnt find a thread. Did anybody else love YWNRH this last year? Performances, cinematography, soundtrack all outstanding - walks the same line between stylized and brutally gritty that Drive managed to, while throwing in a couple of knowing winks to the audience in homage to taxi driver. i thought this was excellent.
It sounds really interesting and I'm sure one of those movies where the majority of 'cinema goers' complain about 'no action' I'll check it out at the weekend.
*minor spoler alert* Aye, it's good if pretty bleak. Joaquin's character is a traumatized vet/former fbi agent who works recovering kidnapped and trafficked girls. To give you an idea of what kind of viewing it is: I thought the best scene was the one where he walks his murdered mothers body into a lake, weighed down by rocks in the pockets of his funeral suit. There's another where he lies on the kitchen floor with a dying assassin he's just shot and holds hus hand while they sing along to a 60s love song on the radio. It's one for fans of Drive but it's a bit darker again than drive
I saw it a few months ago. I was pretty underwhelmed. Or, to be more honest, I found it boring and forgettable. I'll never watch it again. Nowhere near as good as Drive.
I too will check this out, maybe tonight. It's got some great reviews but also enough detractors that I'm really intrigued.