You mean Pot as in Cannabis as in Marajuana as in the psychoactive drug, psychopharmaceutical, or psychotropic... that is, a chemical substance that changes brainfunction (not inc. yours though, obviously)and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behaviour? Yeah, Joe Rogan canes it.
It's nice to see these fighters have a forum to exhibit their personality for 2 hours. Even xplosive who talks so much shit about said fighters makes a clear 180 and you can see after the podcasts he likes them a lot now. Namely Fury and Pavlik. Wilder came off the same as he always does though. Pavlik came off like a decent smart regular likable dude. However if you went by the articles about him you'd think he's some drunk raging redneck retard. He's a good guy. Cheers Kelly.
yeh, big time i'm surprised he has so many fans since he seems to constantly shit on the work/lifestyles that 90% of his listeners have