He didn’t beat Wilder and even if you had him winning he got floored twice by a guy no one would think of putting on a p4p list.
Of course. The only scenario that could compare is if Loma beat Crawford. There’s nothing they could do in their divisions to compete with that.
He’s not a drunk little Mexican talking shit in a parking lot, he’s a washed up bantamweight. Him calling people out doesn’t make the fight more legit and Davis isn’t defending his manhood, he’s taking an easy fight. But he’s young and Mares is a vet so it’s not a horrible match up.
I have no problem with the matchup at all. I hate that dirty sonuvabitch Mares. I cant wait to see Tank clobber him.
Put him on the list, Schindler, or I will Nuremberg your fucking ass so fast you will think you is Kangz.
Again, Doub Insinuated Tank is PICKING ON a Little Guy...Fact is, that ISN'T the Case in this Scenario, as REED Illustrated... REED
Yeah it is. Just because Mares called him out, Tank is absolved from fighting guys his own size? Makes no sense. Shit is all orchestrated. "Mares, call out Tank and then you can get a TV date. Tank is on board."
No, it's NOT... Clearly, This is a Team Garcia Thing...Robert Garcia Trains Mikey AND Mares...A Similar Theme is Being Played Here and 100% of it Was Orchestrated and Initiated by Team Garcia...SOLELY... But Leave it to YOU to Fault Tank for Taking a Money Fight Against a Smaller Guy That Called HIM Out...You'd Be the SAME Motherfucker to Discredit Tank for "Ducking a Smaller Man", if He PASSED on Mares' Challenge... It's NOT as if Tank's Made a Habit of Beating Up on Smaller Guys Either, Yet the 1 Time he's Facing One, Here YOU Go Acting Like it's a Pattern and/or Like he's Picking On Mares...That's Simply NOT the Case Here...If a Lil' Guy Shit Talks You, Makes it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR He Wants to Fight You and Subsequently Gets his Ass Whupped, HOW is That "Picking On Him"? Again, Tank's Most IMPRESSIVE Win is Over Pedraza, Who Relieved Beltran of his Championship Duties @ '35 and Gave Lomachenko his Toughest Fight Since Salido…He's Deserving of a Bit More CREDIT Than You're Willing to Afford... REED
REED’ll Show You the Peak Viewership Numbers When it’s All Said and Done. Does the Fight Potentially MOVE the Needle or ALTER the Current Landscape of Boxing in Any Way? No. Not Unless By Some Miracle Tank LOSES. Doesn’t Mean Tank is PICKING ON Mares Though. Any and ALL Culpability Rests at the Feet of Robert Garcia, Mikey Garcia and Abner Mares. Period. They ASKED for the Fights They’re Receiving, as IMPROBABLE as Winning Them Seems. REED
Fuck Mares. I'm gonna enjoy this. However, after this, Tank needs to stop bullshit. They need to make this Davis-Farmer unification happen.