That ANY movie directed by a woman is immune to criticism by film critics? Its unbelievable. A bitch could make a truly horrific movie, and film critics will say it's the best thing since Citizen Kane. Feminism at its most disturbing. If they wanna be equal, then they should be subjected to equal criticism.
There are female directors? The only one I could name is big face Sofia Coppola....and I can't name a movie she directed...but okay.
Most superhero movies are underwhelming.....especially now with all them being together capt america, iron man, ant man, spider-boy, black widow, etc...etc...
Here is a list. See if you find a gem there. Films Directed By Women - Movie List A Wrinkle in Time was pure shit, but critics also trashed it. Must be the sole exception.
Do documentaries count? Harlan County, U.S.A. was harrowing (though not recommended for our right wing friends) Children of a Lesser God Big American Psycho City of God (two directors, one female) Those were all good That's just off the top of my head ... I'm sure there are more
...I haven't watch any of those movies...but I bet you spend your days watching them just sooo you can rage hate on go grab your wife POUND the HELL out of her vagina while she laugh at your tiny mushroom head pee pee...minute late you pop...n go to a corner n cry yourself to sleep.... Wake up the next day...shower/brush ur teeth go to hulu, netflix, amazon n watch another movie directed by these FUCKING BITCHES!!! ARRGGG JESUS LOVES MY TRUMPY MUSHROOM MICRO PENIS!!!!! artrRRRR FUCK YOU YOU CDDOGG!!! Liberal SCUM<B
LISTEN BITCH!! We are going to fuck...n that's the END OF IT. Fuck you mean we ain't FUCKING...My monster COCK against your micro's going to be EPIC...DAVID vs GOLIATH...u like that type of shit don't you...I give you first fuck me...then I fuck you..I will POUND YOUR CULO into ground will LOVE ME. You will call me PAPI..
Bigelow is an excellent director and was under-rated for a long time. I've never found any of Coppola's stuff entertaining, but she makes the type of artsy shit that critics would jizz on about whether she was a dude or a lady. Angelina Jolie has gotten a pretty mixed reaction for her attempts at direction so far. Can't think of all these loads of women directors who are getting tons of accolades just for being a woman though. "Wonder Woman" does fall into an odd category for the times. It's a competent comic book superhero movie made by a woman who got a chance to make a super hero comic book movie for the first time. I think follow ups might be judged more harshly if they underwhelm. I did have a talk with my daughter about "Wonder Woman". She grew up a comic book nerd and most who met her might consider her a "feminist", and she went to go see "Wonder Women" when it first came out, and she essentially said that if Zac Snyder had been credited as the director on it and made the exact same film, he would have gotten shit all over for it. In fact his fingerprints were obviously all over it, but they kept his name out of it as much as possible, because he's not really "bankable" any more. She's a professional illustrator and she likes Snyder a lot from an artistic stylized standpoint. His backgrounds are at least interesting, unlike a lot of the Marvel stuff that looks like they're just trying to throw as much on the green screen as possible, simply to distract you. As an artist she appreciates that.
I heard the Ghostbusters remake sucked (not directed by a woman but a female cast and co-writer) and South Park did that “girls rule, women are funny, get over it” joke...then I found out that was a real NY times review for it. I thought it was just a gag and didn’t realize it was a real review. Katherine Bigelow is good, the original Point Break was a terrific action movie and The Hurt Locker was very good.
That was SO GAY! But of course it was expected from a fag like you. Sorry; no deal! I ain't fucking a fag...ever!