Sad thing is, there are hordes of people who think movies like these are a good place to learn about history.
Doub loves Dick Cheney. There's an (R) after his name so he's obviously a totally trustworthy person that loves America
Top movie (if you're an impartial, objective critic like me). Bad movie (if you're a blind-to-Republican USA war-mongerer like [Insert Cunt's Name Here] Nevertheless, highly recommended! 7/10
Uh, wrong. You and me are not the same. I won't defend the stupid policies of either party. You find fault with one and only one party.
Check out "The Other Guys"... credit sequence there is a fantastic indictment of every fucktard "free market!" daydreamer on Earth
What does it say? Simply put, whatever else about Cheney, you won't get any honest or unblinkered political stuff coming out of hollywood. All their movies are political, and the political ones are comedies and farcical BS rehashes.
I didn´t think it was great acting from Christian Bale, as such - the transformation into an old, fat, greedy, doughnut-eating cunt VP was pretty good though.
Simon Jenkins in the Guardian ripped this crap. Fake-history films like Vice and The Uncivil War are the new threat to truth | Simon Jenkins Fake-history films like Vice and The Uncivil War are the new threat to truth Is this the death of journalism – or just of history? This week sees the screening of Vice, a biopic of George W Bush’s vice-president, Dick Cheney, who is presented as the evil genius behind the Iraq war, torture and other misdemeanours. Its maker, Adam McKay, makes no bones about wishing to nail the misdeeds of a man “about to sail over the horizon”. His star, Christian Bale, even “thanked Satan for giving me inspiration to play the role”. Vice follows hard on the heels of the British dramatist James Graham’s Brexit: The Uncivil War, for Channel 4. That set out to reveal the truth about Brexit, with Benedict Cumberbatch as Dominic Cummings, the eccentric fixer behind the Vote Leave campaign. Graham declared a desire “to make sense of how the fault lines began … to do what journalism cannot do.” Well, he is right on that. Journalism does not deliberately lie, like Darkest Hour lied, like The Crown lied, like All the Money in the World lied. Film-makers claim the right to mis-sell films as history, sexed up with invention. They do so not because they have researched history and found it wrong, but because they fear accuracy will not put bums on seats. They must make Brexit into Game of Thrones.
Yeah I guess Simon Jenkins in the Guardian newspaper {that bastion of Pro-Republican sentiment} is also sticking up for Cheney. It's a shit movie because it peddles falsehoods and misrepresentations. End fucking Of.
Bullshit and LOL. You not only defend every policy of the Republicans but you are a Republican. You also denounce every policy of the Democrats. Your words say you’re neutral you’re actions do not.
I thought Bale’s acting was pretty good. I thought Steve Carell was pretty bad though. Steve almost felt like he was the same character from The Big Short, minus the temper tantrums. Overall I thought it was an okay movie. 6/10.
Bullshit leftist bullshit. Face it, we all have different politics, but we should all be big enough to agree that the vast majority of US and British Cinema is lefty, agenda, identity-politics driven horseshit.