Vin Diesel confirms. The beginning of the end of that franchise. Fast and Furious Female-Led Spinoff Movie Confirmed by Vin Diesel
Yup. Yeah, please don't ruin the purity of ideas that is ....................The Fast And The Furious franchise??????
This great cultural treasure, the fast and the furious They should pump out a dozen of these big budget all-girl versions of dumb movies every year... makes for hilarious Facebook rage from awkward internet fags with tilted fedoras in their profile pics Very entertaining
Bitch, please! I personally don't give two flying fucks about the archaic, useless at this age, affirmative action, the feminazi movement or the retarded Fast & Furious franchise. I am just reporting this new spin-off and remembering that other all female fiasco, 'Ghostbusters' 2016, which you probably enjoyed a lot.
I thought it was over with the extremely overrated first film. Somehow idiots keep coming back for each new more moronic sequel.
I have never understood the appeal of those films just like the Transformers. The obligatory 'street cars with girls in mini-skirts shaking their asses' is so cringe worthy that the filmmakers should publicly apologize for continuing insulting people's intellect.
Panchy, even though he's tried his best to make you think he doesn't. Panchyism 101 "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear Panchy whine about it..............did it happening for reals" - The Tao of Panchy
Bitch hunh? I understand you get attacked every 2 minutes but try to remember who normally speaks to you with at least a semblance of respect even when I disagree with you. Also, as much as you constantly bitch about the women’s empowerment movement that’s presently happening it has to be a straight joke if you expect anyone here to believe you don’t care about it. When it comes to women you’re either objectifying them or bitching about any empowerment unjustly skewing in their favor.
I apologize for my lack of respect, Sensei! I am not worthy! I do empower women. I was raised by a divorced mother, and a widow grandma. I am married to a woman for 28 years and have two teenager girls whom I adore and want nothing but the best for them. I do understand women better than the majority of the men that I know. I always treat them with respect. I love women and they are indeed beautiful creatures. However the feminist movement was taken over by radicals in the late 70s and from women Rights evolved into Anti-Male mentality. The birth of the Femi-nazis we see today. Those are spawns from hell who needs to be spanked and sent to a reprograming camp in Utah to learn from Mormon women how to become real women again.
Beginning of the end????? We're talking about a franchise that shoulda never gotten off the ground. F&F movies are for guys with the IQ of 65.