Who else is a fan? Yet another in a long line of 80s action movies that were dumb as Hell, but highly fun to watch. Action Jackson is a hilarious movie, and very fun. In the 90s, dumb action movies ecane less fun to watch because they took themselves too seriously.
You didnt miss anything. It's just Carl Weathers 'cashing-in' (), on the two movies he was good in. Put it this way: 9% on Rotten Tomatoes...
Yeah but Weathers was great as narrator of City Confidential. You Cunt with a capital C. If you ever come to Hamilton, ON Imma fuck you up in a sparring session.
Racist That was Paul Winfield and after he died, Keith David Both black dudes with fantastic speaking voices
Loved it. Back in the 80’s while many of you homo’s were watching musicals and Disney movies I was watching action flicks like this. Don’t get it twisted, this movie was no more realistic than the shit Stallone, Willis and Ahnold was doing and they were all fun. Today this movie would be laughable and probably hard to watch but if back in the 80’s you thought Action Jackson was ridiculous, you were probably just a miserable cunt...or (wait for it)...racist.
That actually would okay with me - I can't be doing with smaller, lighter guys... too difficut to fight.
Or, smart and astute enough to know it's a) far sub-standard to any other proper 80s action movie and therefore, b) shit We know what we're talking about, sonny.
"Mannnn last time you had pussy in your apartment is when your mom moved you in. They oughta call your place the House of Wax." Action Jackson is a fun flick.
I remember liking this as a kid and seeing it as an adult and seeing that it sucked. I think I learned the terms “handjob” and “foot job” from this movie