Next Saturday, on ESPN+. Guess that means that I won't be watching, ESPN+ isn't worth it for me. I'd expect Alvarez to win again. Kov looked done at the end of the first fight. Plus, he has an assault charge hanging over his head - he allegedly punched a woman in the face back in August. Seems to be all falling apart for Kov.
In a way, I tend to agree with you, but on the other side, Kovy was doing fairly well before the last round, and alvarez is not a KO puncher, so I'm not sure he can repeat the same tactic
And concerning the assault I really hope these are made up accusations, cause if they aren't, Kovalev is a real pos
yeah, it's pretty obvious he's a bit of an asshole. But punching and breaking a girl nose cause she refused your advance is some god-like pos level
REED Will NEVER Condone Violence Against Women, but he's Always Interested in the DETAILS of Cases Like This, When it Involves a Boxer... For Instance, Robin Givens' Accusations of "Abuse" Against Mike Tyson...Or the Never Dying Quote Attached to Abusive Boxers of Yesteryear, "_____ Says the Hardest Punch he EVER Landed was Against His Ex Wife!"... Sergey Kovalev is 1 of THE Hardest Punchers of his Era...If he REALLY Punched a Woman in the Face, he'd Do MORE Than Just Break Her Nose...She'd Need MASSIVE Amounts of Reconstructive Surgery and/or a Life Support Apparatus, in REED's Opinion... Not the Most Sensitive of Opinions, But Again, the DETAILS Matter to REED... REED
Maybe he just jabbed her and didnt throw a full power shot at her, and thats why the damage are not that severe? Still, i think kovy deserve the benefit of the doubt, but it looks really bad
Damn. Read this chick's account of what happened over on the Scene. Kov tried to rape her, her dog intervened, Kov kicked the dog then punched the woman in the face - breaking her jaw, and cheek bone. I know these chicks cant always be trusted, but this particular case... I believe her. Why? Cause Kov has always come across as a sociopath. We've ALWAYS said that about him, even when we rooted for him. It's always been apparent he's a twisted guy. So when a story breaks about him doing sociopathic shit, cant really give him the benefit of the doubt. This guy is the fuckin Russian Carlos Monzon.
Boxing News: Buddy McGirt: I don’t need to watch tapes » January 30, 2019 Based on the first fight and reading above, I'd still back Alvarez to repeat.
Buddy need to watch a tape of Mel Taylor whoopin his ass, then ask himself how in the living fuck did the Hall vote him in over Taylor.
Not really. Theres nothing that suggested before that he was a sociopath, bar the usual strereotype about russians Must say that the girl is hot as fuck. Edit: in the TMZ article they make no mention of a broken jaw and cheekbone, where did you get that from?
He's LYING... It's Hard Enough to Believe when FIGHTERS Say This Shit, but Any TRAINER Claiming They Don't Watch Film is Straight Up LYING... Particularly When You're NEW to a Particular Fighter AND That Fighter is Coming Off a Fucking LOSS (Heading into an Immediate RE), it's IMPERATIVE the Trainer Watch Film of the Opponent...Preferably WITH his Fighter... REED's Calling Bullshit on Buddy... REED
Kovy power has regressed, or hes not putting a lot on his punches to conserve energy, or ALvarez has a hell of a chin, He hit Alvarez with a ton of punches, yet he never hurted him
Good win for Kovalev, showed he wasn't simply a front running bully. Still, it's obvious he'S toward the end of his career.
I think it was pretty obvious Kovalev was fighting smarter and not punching at full power. He fought a smart fight and won extremely easy.
Great redemption win for Kovy. He showed that he's not simply a bully and a front runner, and that he can come back from adversity. Will do a lot for his legacy