Getting hit flush by those ultra slow-motion looping punches from an opponent 6” shorter, 8 years older, that was gassed 35 seconds into the fight doesn’t bode well for the future.
On the plus side, he seems to have this little red lopez kind of power. Slow but really straight punches who knock fools out
Yeah, a good punch is enough to rise to the top in the current heavyweight crop. This guy could potentially be successful. The harsh truth is, Wilder, Fury, and AJ are all fucking bums compared to REAL world class operators.
Amen, yeah he pretty much sucks but you don't need to be the second reincarnation of Tyson to be successful in the division nowadays.
As supposedly shitty this era is, there is not a lot of era where the three top guys were superior to the three top guys of this era. Sure the tyson, lewis, holyfield and bowe era was better, and the ali, frazier foreman probably also was (even though im far from sure frazier would have succes against some of these giants, and even young foreman to a lesser extent) But beside these, i wouldnt pick any other era
There's no doubt some of these guys can kick ass. And as a result, they're able to beat guys who are way more skilled than them. So by that measure, I agree. But I understand the criticism as well that these current guys do not have the coordination or skill that champions from the past did. Wilder is formidable. But when you watch him fight, he just doesn't have the polish that guys like Frazier, Tyson and Bowe had. I think that's why the current guys get singled out.
I don't see how Wilder is formidable. Sure he has a huge punch, but his results at the highest level have been lukewarm at the very best (ko win vs grandpa nobody Ortiz in a fight he was losing and got badly hurt in, lucky draw vs an just out of a drug induced retirement Tyson Fury). Look at the number of high level hw in this era who started boxing late (Jenning, Wilder, Joshua, Brezeale, Stiverne, Washington, Browne from the top of my head, you could also include Miller and Whyte but at least theywe training kickboxing and muay thai which have transefreable skills with boxing), this is not a good indicator of a deep talentpool. Furthemore, if you are big and gifted with atheltic skills, you have so many options beside boxing where you do not have to get punched in the face to make huge money and where you get taken care of a lot quicker. So it's no wonder they are skillless (most of them started late contrary to top fighters in others weight classes) and talentless (if they were real physical specimen, they woul have been drafted or directed toward a sport that is way better manage than boxing is).