Lennox had his punching power measured at 843 lbs on the punching machine. Funny enough, guys half his size were punching well over 900 lbs including the geeky dude with glasses.
Fucking nonsense. Lewis would kill most people with a single shot. People don't understand how hard pro boxers hit.
I tried a punching machine at one of the arcade complexes in B.C. Everyone including girls were hitting the machine with similar scores. Many were doing run-up haymakers. It seemed that if you stood within range of the bag and hit it with proper form and follow through as Lennox did in the video, you'd score low. But if you ran up from a distance and hit the bag with no follow through, you'd score higher.
if Bruce Lee ran across from the other side of the room and hit the bag with a flying kick through the air, he'd score 250-300
Just looking at the size of Lewis' hands is intimidating. He and Foreman have the biggest hands I've ever seen in boxing.
Hard-hittin-heavyweight Deontay Wilder tries to put away concentration-camp-lookin Charlie Zelenof.... ....fails.
Tries to put away and fails? LOL He gave Zelenof a couple of smacks at best. He could've killed the guy if they weren't holding him back.
Zelenof is 150lb at best. Wilder, 210lb, professional boxer, tagged him three times. No-one got KO'd or...killed.
Useless 'comeback', Hanzy I made valid, salient points....facts. You're just 2nd-rate trolling agsin.
Look at the video. Professional heavyweight, 50lb weight, 5" reach, 9" height advantage, caught a useless punk, dropped him three times and the punk came back for more. It's all there in the video.
So what? Tyson punched the crap out of a couple of fat guys back in 2003 in a hotel lobby and they both didn't die. If this little white twat wanted to throw real leather with Wilder, the kid dies brutally. Also, why are you so hung up on this sh*t? Shouldn't you be eating out the disease infested vagina of your former prostitute wife right now instead of spending it all day on here?
You see that's a flat-out lie and you know it. It is true the Lee had a very low pain threshold and once had to be stretchered off the set complaining of a fractured hairstyle, but he apparently avoided pharmaceutical painkillers like the plague. According to his wife Linda Lee Cadwell, he dealt with minor discomfort by curling up into a fetal position and sobbing. In an interview with Kung Fu magazine (Issue 7 1992, if you want to look it up) she said that although Lee seemed to have a pathological fear of tablets, no one had any inkling or idea that they would turn out to be so deadly for him. There was one incident however, which she relates in detail that might be of interest to you: "Looking back, I should have realised- it's obvious to me now. Once I had a migraine and Bruce was trying to ease my pain by stroking my forehead. Then he said something sweet and kissed me on the lips. Suddenly he made this high pitched squawking sound - as if he'd just seen a movie camera and was pretending to fight - anyway, his eyes sort of rolled up into the back of his head and he pitched face-first to the floor, unconscious. It took about five minutes to revive him, but he seemed ok afterwards and we sort of forgot about it. The thing is, I remembered years later that I'd just taken half an aspirin to ease the pain of my migraine. It must have been the minute dust traces on my lips or something that floored him. If only I'd made the connection at the time - we might have realised then that a whole one would have killed him stone dead." (Page 23 Paragraph 4) So I don't know where you got the "millions of aspirin" from. That's clearly rubbish.
Oh dear. A fat, hideous Indian virgin with 40-yr-old fixation on a dead Chineser fight choreographer gets fuckin roasted. Again. We should turn this into a competition.
Fight choreographer aka legendary martial arts superstar who transcended martial arts and became one of the most famous names in world history and with a name value worth in the billions of dollars. Nice try Mustard you failed sh*t kickboxer with no talent.
I'll put a bullet through your f*cking head. Let's see what your "noticeable power, good speed and a bit of talent" does for you then. F*ckhead.