I watched it a few months ago when it premiere on Netflix because of all the critic's hoopla. Overrated. 5/10
Because there's no overdone-CGI, superheroes, shit acting or ridiculous screenplay? I can see why you didn't like it.
As everyone knows, Im super-crotical of most movies, so I was suspicious before seeing it...I agree it's overrated but definately not as overrated as The Shape Of Water or Moonlight The problem with panchy (and a massive % of the population now) is subliminal dumb-down-ness: spoon-fed so much shit on TV, Internet & Movies that when anything good or decent comes along, their brains can't handle it: "too slow", "too boring", aka you didn't understand it because you're too fuckin stoopid. With panchyprsss, unfortunately it's also affected his attraction to females, and especially their age.
I understood it better than you since it is in SPANISH, my native language. Compared to other Spanish language drama films I have seen before, this one was pretty average. It got overly hyped because of Alfonso Cuaron. Had it been directed by anyone else, it might not had all the glowing reviews it got.
I heard all that critical hoopla and when I tuned into the trailer I couldn’t even get through it. It looks boring as shit and like it’s one of those movies everyone latches on to about how good it is because it makes them look movie smart. By the way, these are the same people who will shit on every other movie that people tend to like whether it’s super hero movies or popular Oscar winners. It’s all in an attempt to feel smart because apparently being opinionated opposite the norm makes people feel superior.
Translation: 'there's no overdone-CGI, superheroes, shit acting, or ridiculous screenplay and it's too long for my simple attention-span'
o he didnt hurt anyone. He gets hurt everytime I post reality and truth. I'm just pointing out clear and obvious facts that 99% of you on here havent a clue what makes great cinema. Not now, not ever. Like you, your levels have been reduced to that of easily pleased, spoonfed Millenials who love anything visual and nothing cerebral....Marvel/CGI/Action....and in lb's case, Kevin Hart.