Depends what you mean by "trouble" ... Bob Foster landed his jab ceaselessly on Ali and nailed him with loads of shots ... he also got knocked down like 44 times Jones would certainly land some shots... he'd also absolutely get knocked out 100 times out of 100
Agreed. Jones had a style unlike something Ali had encountered before so it could take him a few rounds to get into a rhythm. Sooner or later Ali would find out what works and what doesn't and it would be one way traffic from there.
After an initial adjustment period, Ali would stop Roy in about eight rounds Dog Jones would beat Ali in rematch though
I doubt that RJ has the courage to try to land a lot of punches on Ali. He'd get nailed with the jab and would try to run around and pothsot once in a while, but he won't commit enough to land anything meaningful. As RJ once said, you gotta bring ass to get ass, and I doubt he would bring enough ass in that one
Roy is not getting close enough to land. He would eat jabs. Be rocked by jabs. Ko'ed by a beautiful right hand in 5.
Ali would piss about with Jones Jr, doing his little cover-up-peekaboo-waving-him-on thing for about 2 or 3 rounds...sparring session stuff.