Anyone else watch this fight? Pretty good scrap with some hellacious blows landed. But man it seemed like Molina got screwed by the judges. I thought Molina won but the judges had Figur by like 8 points. Another fucked up score. Has Figur fought anyone good?
I didnt see it, but I'm not surprised Fig got a gift. The judges seem to love that bum. I thought Ricky Burns beat Figueroa, and got screwed. And from my recollection, DeMarco ran him very close as well. Figueroa sucks. He's exciting to watch, but he'd get eaten up by any top welter.
One thing I'll say though - he does appear to have a good chin. Molina hit him with some monsters that did not even phase him.
Landed more doesn't mean shit. It was a close fight. Some judges had it like 119-110, which is bullshit.
It was a close fight, I don't really care that Fig got yhe nod, but the margins were absurd. He's going nowhere but Palookaville
You can’t call something a fucked up score when you had the wrong winner. 97-93 or 96-94 for Fig would be pretty correct scores. Molina didn’t win.