Eubank had a good 7th, and is winded as a result of his exertions. Honestly, Spence would get in the ring right now and slap the fucking shit out of both of these guys.
DeGale down again. Ugly knockdown. Good left hook but it turned into a grapple-swingfest before DeGale sort of just took a knee out of boredom.
Eubank loses a point for a dirty shoulder charge. This fight has had everything. Except talent and excitement.
Don't bother watching this shit on youtube. Anybody with a pulse with beat Eubank. DeGale is utterly finished. He's got nothing there at all.
Eubank can't put away a totally finished guy. The worst winning performance I have seen for some time.
Would not be surprised if Eubank has only won this by a few rounds. DeGale celebrates victory. This is very unusual stuff. DeGale acting like he thinks he maybe won. Sounds like there are 12 people present, including the referee and the fighters and their corners. HERE ARE THE SCORES AFTER 12 ROUNDS OF RIVETING ACTION* 114-112 115-112 117-109 All for the Winner, Piss Euwank Junior. _________________ * The only way you could have sat thru this shit is if you were riveted to your seat.
DeGale needs a quality manager. If he sends his sister to my house, naked, I'll promise to rebuild his career.
According to the BBC, Eubank "Stunned" DeGale by beating him. Bookies had it 20/21 for DeGale and 21/20 for Eubank. Not exactly Tyson vs Douglas was it?
Lol. What idiots. The result was easy to see coming. DeGale has been shot ever since the punishment he took in the Jack fight. Not that he was ever quality to begin with... But he has declined by a lot.
I watched some of Degales stuff live and a lot of the highlights. He used to be able to put punches together. He used to have combinations. I don't recall him managing ONE single good combo of note last night. It was all one jab or lead left followed by running or clinching. Everytime he got clocked clean he was hurt or forced to cover up against the ropes. Sad to see because the guys an Olympian medallist, never lacked balls as he showed vs Jack and Direll. But he is utterly finished and Bum Bank couldn't figure out what to do to get him out of there. Callum Smith would beat, probably very wide, Bum Bank.
If Smith could take apart Eubank's daddy, Groves, with ease, then I dont see what Chris brings to the table for him. Eubank Junior loses badly to Smith, Benavidez, Plant, and Zurdo Ramirez.
He openly declared last night that he was "Top of the Food Chain". He wouldn't be top of the food chain in a post-apocalyptic Luxembourg, never mind todays 168lb division.
Degale should have banked a lot more during his career but he was always an insufferable twat and seemed to be injury prone, and I suspect he will continue for a while for financial reasons
He can't fight for shit anymore. He's too many issues, physical and not being the smartest boxer ever either.
Boxing doesn't work like that (and I wouldn't say that Smith beat Groves with ease). Smith is fairly slow and hittable, and a fast power puncher like Eubank might gave him fit