Captain America soared to the top of the box office with a hefty $153 million in estimated domestic box office. Internationally it is estimated it grabbed $302 million making it one of the top five openers ever at the foreign markets. This strong debut has disappointed naysayers (like myself) and has brought a lot of joy (and fuel) to the PC crowd who now boast 'I TOLD YOU SO, RIGHT WING, MISOGYNIST HATERS!' on social media forums. Monday's actual numbers will be interesting as well how much will be the drop next week when all the activists had already watched the film by then. Keep in mind that 'Soylo: A Star Wars Aberration' opened big and crashed hard the second week while 'Aquaman' opened modest ($65 million), but had enough legs to gross over $1 billion worldwide.
Watch instead 'Alita: Battle Angel' which is the superior film with a more likable strong female character.
A different actress would have been better, but honestly with that muddy screenplay and Netflix-like uninspired direction it would not have made much a difference. But yeah, Brie Larson's acting was basically not smiling and constantly posing with her fists clenched, chest up, shoulders back and separated feet and trying to look fierce... zzzzzzzz
No. This film will inspire girls to teach those boys a lesson by clenching their fists and demand to be obeyed.
Not a single cent. I paid the ticket to watch 'Alita : Battle Angel' (awesome film! Highly recommended) and after watching that one I noticed that there wasn't that many people going to the 'Captain Marvel' screen room so I walked inside, choose a nice seat and watched the turkey. I am glad I didn't spend money for this one because it isn't worth the admission price.
HOLY CONSPIRACY!!! More and more evidence of empty theaters leads many to think that Disney lied/inflated CM box office numbers, or simply they themselves bought all the advanced tickets New Reports of Empty Theaters at Captain Marvel Add to Movie's Controversy - Bounding Into Comics