1. NCFOM - Amazing film I never get tired of rewatching. 2-4. Something better 5. The Departed - Extremely Overrated Fluff. 6-8. something better 9. Eastern Promises - I saw this once and don’t remember a single thing about it other than Viggo fighting nude in a shower (no homo). 10-19. something better 20. Memento - I saw this once and unfortunately remember it vividly. In the words of In Livin Color’s Men On Film: “hated it”. I never saw or really heard of Sexy Beast.
NCFOM Eastern Promises The Departed Memento Sexy Beast That said, there are better choices than these five.
The original Hong Kong version Infernal Affairs is a great movie that shits over Scorcese's lame remake.
Based purely on how much I personally like them 1) Sexy beast 2) Eastern promises & No country for old men, tied 4) Departed 5) Memento Sexy beast is up there with glengarry glenRoss in the quotability stakes, one of my absolute faves any genre. Eastern promises = fascinating subject matter with the Russian mafia in London and absolute top, top, top quality cast. No country for old men is objectively, probably the 'greatest' on there