A bilingual adventure! <IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TnpTcrtsN3U" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>
Honestly I was expecting more a drama with Dora growing into a narc mule carrying lots of cocaine in her backpack crossing 'La Frontera" and asking the audience "Do you see 'la Migra'? Say 'Migra'!...Excelente!!!"
No joke this time. Paramount Pictures is currently filming in location Australia a live action film based on the beloved Nick Jr tv series. However the lead character is being played by 17 year old actress Isabela Moner (Sicario: Day of The Soldado). By giving the role to a teenager actress this film is at risk of losing its target audience (small children), but probably the producers real goal are older audiences...male ones...
Fucking weird that this is a thing Isn't the cartoon character a little child? Clearly just more Nickelodeon/Disney type jailbait fuckery greenlighted by some Weinstein type executive who really wants to see Dora "blossom"
Nope! 17 is just about right in Panchy's acceptable scale. Below that is criminal and undesirable. Dora actress other 17 year olds
I agREED. This will turn off the cartoon's main target audience: preschoolers and First Graders. The film looks stupid going by this trailer and too different from the show.