Is official. At Barclays. On Fox (not PPV). Only thing left to finalize is the date, either Aug. 3rd or Sept 1st. I'm gonna pray its Sept 1st - cause I'll 100% go! Aug 3rd is gonna be my son's bday party, and might be iffy if I'll have time to make it. Please September!
Can't think of a realistic scenario in which Porter wins. His best bet is to make it an ugly wrestling match and survive.
X, swing by my sister's place and take my 5 year old nephew with you "Who are you?" "Clogg said the boy needs to see the fights"
Just glad that for ONCE they did the right thing and put this on free TV. I have no doubt that this will be the most watched fight in PBC history.
Second "threat" Spence face (Garcia was a gimme imo) . Will be fun to see how Spence deals with Porter style
Agree that Garcia was a gimme, but Kell Brooks was a threat. Good fight, Spencer is definitively the favorite but it will be a gauge of how good he really is.
Spence should win impressively. Porter's randomness and roughhouse style probably gives anyone a bit of a tough time, but ultimately Spence is so much better, and bigger and more powerful, he probably stops Shawn. When is Little Terry going to grow a pair, stop fighting scrubs, and fight Spence instead? He needs to face up to his inevitable beating.
He already does. Who the hell has Terry beaten? Little old Gamboa, Big Dongo, and 2019 Khan? Not exactly elite wins. Seriously, the guy hasn't beaten one prime world class fighter. Mikey and Brook aren't exactly ATG wins - Mikey is tiny, and Brook isn't quite elite - but imo both wins are far better than any of Crawford's wins. The jury is still out on just how good Crawford is. I think Spence crushes him like a bug. But yeah, even Porter will be better than any of Crawford's wins.
according to the internet this fight is not happening in August. one or both fighters not pleased with the money
Porter surely cannot back out of this now. Not after he avoided it the first time. He has nowhere to turn. Thurman is tied up with Pacquiao. Crawford is TR. He can’t avoid this and still expect to save face.
well it looks like this is a done deal for Staples Center on september 28. sorry xplosive. we get the "pleasure" of watching porter here in LA
Yeah, I just saw. Definitely a disappointment. I wanted to see Porter get beat down in person. U gonna go?
probably so, Im sure they'll vastly overprice the event at first and then have a fire sale the week of the fight.