Who is on the Broner bandwagon? He is clearly the greatest talent of the last few decades. He has amazing speed and reflexes. He is on his way to the p4p#1 position. He will DOMINATE boxing.
It's funny, his attitude suggests typical Al Haymon fighter, but he can flat out fight AND is a nice draw in his hometown. Cincinnati isn't exactly a boxing hotbed these days, but he drew a lively crowd on Thanksgiving weekend, and made the most of what was in front of him. The biggest issue people seem to have is the whole "brush my hair" ritual. It's more shtick than anything else and he's a young fighter on the rise who lives a clean life beyond the ropes. Good enough for me.
Yeah he can fight but we'll have to see him fight somebody better than that squat Argentine he did last time out. Oh and he's a dirty bastard too. I saw that low blow he hit him with :nono:
Despite his blatant jacking of Floyd's style, he's pretty talented. He'll be a force at 130-135 for years to come.
I thought it was a 96-94ish fight either way. I agree, stiffer competition is required. If he stays at 130, there are plenty of formidable (though not necessarily lucrative) tests - Argenis Mendez, JC Salgado, Eloy Perez, Uchiyama (forget his first name), and of course Gamboa if/when he moves up. Any one of those fights will give us a clearer picture of what he's truly about
I just don't see it. You think someone like Floyd or other elite fighters would have arguably lost to Ponce after 20 fights? I know you shouldn't judge TOO much from 1 fight, but Ponce is his best opponent to date, and it's no coincidence that he didn't look very good, and arguably lost. Pretty hard to ignore.
I wann see Broner get his chin checked. That will say alot as far as how high in weight he can go. He seems pretty good all around, skills, speed, power. He is cocky as hell but i like that in boxers. I hate those guys that are too "humble" every interview or answer to a question is replica of everything they said before. A cocky fighter is usually entertaining.
Incidentally, I can't believe Burns has been a pro for 10 years. 10 years! I'd barely heard of him until recently. Do you think he's really 5'10? If so he does have the range and skills to pose a legit threat to someone like Broner.
The "onliest" question I have is whether he can take a shot. I think the kid is the goods and can fight. Yes, he's a Mayweather knockoff but he is a talented fighter. Yes he KO'd a subpar opponent but you have to look at how he went about it. He let the guy shoot his load, didn'tget over anxious then finished him off. Showed a high boxing IQ. After missing a few shots over the top he backed off, threw a perfectly timed uppercut, landed a hard bodyshot to lower the guys hands then countered up top with a lefthook the guy never saw. I wasn't impressed as much by the level of opponent, but how he went about it. I'm not willing to get on a bandwagon, but he's definitely someone I will keep my eye on. I'm willing to say now...if Gamboa wants to fight him, Gamboa gets fucked up.
Best prospect of the last few decades??? How many decades are we talking about here??? Let's say two decades... could it be that Floyd was a better prospect?
Hindsight is cool and all, and now we have the luxury of seeing Broner as a joke, but he looked legit up until the Paulie fight. He turned out NOT to be legit, but he looked good enough over a two year stretch to fool most of us.
Didn't fool me for one second. Read my posts in this thread. Never understood what the fuss was about. Looked flat footed and unimaginative, with decent handspeed and a counter right, and that's basically all he turned out to be. Obviously we all know our stuff on fb, so it is weird to me he fooled any of you. The guy never looked anywhere near Floyd's league, like not even close.
I think the 'eye-test' is usually pretty accurate, it obviously needs to be substantiated against better opposition but if a guy is doing stuff in there that you don't normally see, then odds are he's going to be good. But this is the thing, Broner never passed the eye-test for me. He was regularly dropping rounds and arguably losing fights to guys a "future p4p'er" had no business having problems with. Even the shitty midget Gavin Rees was winning rounds against him. I'm with Mex, it perplexed me how so many knowledgeable posters on here fell for it.
I was never on this ... he was pretty solid at throwing right hand leads and promoting himself... other than that, much ado about nothing