Wow the Stingerman is back. WTF happened to Munguia though? He looked like a world beater against Sadam. Either it was a very favourable matchup, which let's face it, it kind of was - a much smaller fighter with no chin and no defense, or he could do with moving up. He did look amazing in that fight, since then, not so much. I expected him to thrash Smith far more easily than he did. I haven't seen the Hogan fight, but I read he was lucky to get the decision.
And Hogan is shit. Looks like a reheated cadaver with a fresh battery. The bottom line is that Munguia faced in Ali a guy made for him.
Ali is a vagrant. Was just KOd by some 14-1 underdog I never heard of on the Alvarez Jacobs undercard
I am terribly old fashioned and I know all the old movies and all the old actors and incidents. What happened to Morrow and those kids was a disgrace.