Finished up the 1st two seasons a little while ago. Not great, but pretty entertaining. Some really good performances, even if the writing and character motivations can be a bit bewildering and sloppy sometimes. I thought the 2nd season was better then the first. Not quite as cartoony and a bit more personal with the storylines. The Tim Roth character is a much bigger cunt, then presented in the trailer. Never heard any buzz about this show, but it looks like they spent a bit of coin to produce it.
Big cast, lots of well known actors, lots of different location sets, looks very polished and scenic. Might not come across in the trailer, but it looks like they threw a lot of money at it. That's all. Doesn't mean fuck all on whether I think it's good or not.
Tim Roth is a former drug-addled U.K. undercover drug cop hiding in the Canadian Rockies with his family, from baddies he threw under the bus back home years ago, but the rub is that the Roth character is likely just as bad, if not a worse guy then them. He has his own moral codes, as these types of characters are prone to do, so he might be redeemable............but then again he might not be. There's lots of other storylines involving an evil oil company executive, native indians, a Mennonite type religious colony, a somewhat blameless but smarmy deputy he likes to harass and shoot as much as possible without actually killing him for some unexplained reason other then the guy is a smarmy cunt, the Mexican cartel and all kinds of other shit they throw against the wall as a distraction from the main storyline of, dudes from the old neighborhood want him and his family dead. Oh, and whiskey to this guy, is like spinach is to Popeye........................don't even ask, LOL. As I said, not great, but entertaining, with some good acting in it.