Ok nevermind i found it. Just gotta put out content Reed. That is the way to grow. Got to put something out at least once a day
agREED... The EDITING Process is the Challenge...Seriously, REED Could Film 2-3 Videos Every Single Day, Easily...But it's Going to Take 4-5 Times as Loooooooooooooong to EDIT Each of Those Videos...And Until Launching His Own Channel, REED Never Edited a Video in his Life... Not "Hard" Per Se, but Time Consuming for Sure...REED'll Figure it Out Though... REED
REED's "Kids" are 28, 20 and 15...The 28 Year Old is the ONLY One that Likes Boxing and She's Occupied w/Marriage and REED's Twin Grandsons These Days... The Younger Daughters Help Their Ol' Man Out w/Cell Phone Issues, But They'd Quickly Give REED the "Go Fuck Yourself" Look if he DARED Task Them w/Editing His Boxing Videos...They're Subscribed But Have Literally NEVER Watched a Single Video REED's Done, Pugilism Company, REED BBS or Otherwise... REED
VideoShop... Most Basic Version...Getting the Hang of It and Hope to Upgrade to the More Advanced Version in a Month or So... REED
reed as you know I'm an honest guy and I do wanna help you but you need to be able to handle constructive criticism. Don't let the thumbs up on your videos think you're on the right track. Those thumps up are from family and fightbeat posters who are just being nice. Your channel is awful. You have an obnoxious face and an obnoxious way about you. The toothpicks the hats the mumbling are all highly annoying. The editing is awful. The jokes are garbage. The pacing is horrid. You have the charisma of a houseplant. And not a cool one like a cactus either... You need to ditch the toothpick... ditch the hat.. ideally wear a mask... but if no mask then at least groom and dress a bit better. Wear some colors. SPEAK as if you're enthused even if you're not. Your mumbling and speech rate makes me wanna subscribe just so I have the satisfaction of unsubscribing.... write a script and rehearse it... get a professional like me or someone close to my level to write your jokes for you... get a better background or locations... don't film at the drive through..... for God's sake food can wait! ... keep videos to 5 min.... learn to edit... your editing looks like it's done by a 1st grader.... and talk about interesting stuff in boxing... not some obscure bullshit nobody knows nor cares about.... i have a lot more to say but I gotta go fuck my girl so ttyl.
....to Infinity and Beyond. You Invest Faaaaaaar to Much Time and Energy to REED’s Nuts to Have Any Girls to Go Fuck. REED
Think of it this way. It's like walking by a homeless man. Some people will throw a coin their way (in this case a like) but I will stop and give life advice. You're welcome cardboard Willie.
A Failed, Never Got Started “Comic” Offering Advice to Someone That’s Never 1nce Expressed the SLIGHTEST Bit of Interest In You OR Your Insight? Again, Unless You Just REALLY Enjoy the Scent of REED’s Balls, Spare Him Your Unsolicited Advice employee. Even If REED Dedicated a Channel to Polish Boxing Your Input Would Be of 0% Value, Merit Or Substance to Him. REED
Okay baby steps. Firstly come up with interesting topics. The shit you talk about is so immaterial and boring it makes no one give a fuck. Here is some click worthy topics Was Tyson molested??? Was Ali racist?? Current homosexual boxers Is Oscar De La Hoya the next Kaitlin jenner? Did Tyson rape fellow inmates? Etc... Do you get it???? This will get views! No matter how ugly your face voice and delivery is....unlike your previews of fights nobody gives a fuck about...
Keep the videos to 5 minutes maximum. You have what's called "an unbearable personality" even 5 minutes is 5 minutes too long but we gotta do something right? 5 minutes max that's it.
See reed you ungrateful ingrate! Nobody but me gives a fuck about your shitty channel. And yet I'm the bad guy for trying to help !
It is actually a nice take on Bert Sugar. You watch Sugar chewing on his cigar and you almost want to throw up in your mouth because the guy is so disgusting and you just know his breath smells like a toilet.
Weird. I started a youtube channel a few years ago with absolutely zero goals or ambitions, only to upload a couple of rare movie clips and a few Christians songs I liked and never uploaded another video again and yet, somehow, I have 168 subscribers and one single video has 57K views with 10K likes.