Fury could have had a much easier fight if he used his cutman's father Javier Capetillo's special wraps
Very good fight. Fury wasn't properly prepared and the cut bothered him a lot, but in the end he won going away. These unbeaten and totally untested guys can be tricky. Wallin's gutsy resistance and chin reminded me of Zeljko Mavrovic, although this was a far better fight
That was surprisingly entertaining. Wallin had a good tight defence and knew how to tuck up and ride out attacks and get off a few shots of his own. He lucked out with that bad cut and then Fury got ragged. Fury showed great resilience. If he wasn't a big name he'd have been stopped by Weeks. Forget the Wilder fight for now. In any event it seems Fury can pack in fans in the USA and offer entertaining slapstick for the interim. Bad for boxing in the long run but a decent nights entertainment nonetheless.
Furys father sounded off this morning. Says his current team are full of shit and that Fury is a stone {14lbs} underweight.
He thanks the Lord Jesus Christ, who had some fucking cuts and all after his last fight. He got the decision that night too. 10-2 on the cards. Peter and Judas scored it for the Romans.
Furys face is skinny. He's just too damned fucking light. 253 is no weight for a man of his frame. If Fatty Ruiz, who has been mouthing off last night, can waddle around at 260 then Fury can do 260 easy.
Just watched the highlights, Fury seemed off the pace, but loads of fighters have those nights, in boxing terms he was well in control against a surprisingly tough and ambitious challenger. It's just the cut that made things way more intense and dramatic.
Wallin had turned southpaw and switch-hit to counteract Fury. Wallin was no mug. He won't win anything but he's one of these clowns who knows how not to get killed. Fury is excellent defensively but cannot handle cutey-poos who don't want to fight. I give him kudos for being able to deal with those cuts. They looked painful.
Yeah routine beating without the cuts. Fury would have been better off getting put on his arse than being cut. Imagine having to fight with your face open like. Fuck it........water running down your face would make it hellish to focus, never mind blood from a cut that kept getting bust open. Fury was underweight. His father is right. He's gone too far the other side of the weight issues. He can do 260 handy because he is so relaxed.
He looked in good shape to me, it was just an off-night. John Fury is a rare British trainer who is actually good tactically so his words carry some merit, but Ben Davison was getting praised to high heaven (including by John Fury) right up until this fight, he isn't all of a sudden completely inept because Tyson Fury had an unexpectedly difficult fight. Tyson's dad is indulging in a bit of hyperbole here methinks.
Yeah he is. John Fury used to routinely be told to shut up by Peter Fury because he was constantly verbalizing in the background during fights and post-fight interviews. Meanwhile..............Tony Weeks refused service by local Chinese laundry.