Here's a quick transcript of the Holy parts. Mhssh myewf tefhb ???? Fdy ??? Syjdr punch fdyrdu eerefew ???? Getre frhr Tyson hff ere dsfse gswtyd geetb??? Fderc ?? You gere hfegd hfeth heergde ???? Gwedsed gerew boxing wteferfv jde4d hergr 6585 jferd hh654g4? ?? 54ye? Fewerfx punch geerdf 442fedg
retired HS dropout holyfield spends more money per month on child support than future milioniare boss possum earns in a year
Holyfield was a great warrior but he's never had an interesting or honest thing to say before he was brain damaged. This is one i'll skip.
Mike interviewed Joe Budden last night, and it was a helluva lot more interesting than this interview probably is.
And for the moderators please note how I simply made a joke at the expense of Holyfield's speech impediment only to be promptly and unjustly attacked by explosive, and attacked with racial slurs on top of that. So next time when you cry about Your general boxing forum going down the drain please look at the people really truly responsible for it.
Both Holyfield and Tyson are boring interviews. As a matter of fact the more I think about it I'm pretty sure most boxers are boring to listen to.
Tyson can be interesting, it just seems to depend on his mood. Problem with Mike is so much of his life both in and out of the ring has been well documented. Chances are you're just going to hear more or less the same things you've already known. Also most athletes are pretty boring, regardless of sport.
I love Mike. He had a crazier life than any of us could ever imagine however he's a horrible storyteller. He never goes into enough detail and always seems high, emotional and giggling when telling his stories which makes it really hard follow and get into them.