As you all know breaking bad is the best show ever to air on television and now we get a breaking bad movie which premiered yesterday. The movie itself wasn't that good. It was dragging and full of filler. I feel like they could have accomplished this "closure" in 30 minutes but dragged it out to 2+ hours. I'll give it 6/10. Also RIP the vacuum guy who passed the same day this movie aired.
Oh right!! So that's the show where this weasel-faced little prick appears in: Seriously, a face & head you could repeatedly kick-in until your fuckin' ankle snapped-off.
You don't agree he has a weasle-like, beady-little-eyed, squashed-in face that needs smashing in repeatedly? You're strange.
Good performances all around, but yeah, this really dragged outside of the towing company plotline. Disappointing from a show that's known for it's constant forward momentum and pacing. Biggest mistake was setting this immediately after the final episode. Jesse Plemons is a good actor, but goddamn, he really made the continuity of the flashback scenes distracting. He went from looking like a high school football player, to looking like a near death Philip Seymour Hoffman, almost overnight. Should have kept him out of it, or just advanced the plot several years forward instead.
He went from looking like a young Matt damon to looking like you said near death Phillip Seymour Hoffman.... now THAT'S range
So distracting. He looked like a kid last he was on the show. Now he's in scenes in the same timeline and he looks older (and fatter) then Aaron Paul now. Must not have had that de-aging software in the budget.
It was pretty good, entertaining and all, but something just felt underwhelming about it. Maybe it is due to Breaking Bad being as great as it was, but it just felt like a decent episode of BB. Better Call Saul is more engaging.
So basically, you're a 'fan' of a television show much like those nerdy-faggot freaks who (probably literally) jerk-off over Game Of Thrones? Right.