The evidence of the Otto Wallin fight, yes. But he may have just gone too far with the dieting and has put a bit back on now, I hope.
A bunch of fucking groupies. Dude ko's couple glass chinned bums and he has "terrifying" power... get the fuck outta here... how about taking forever to take out molina ? How about landing a dozen flush rights on glass chinned szpilka? How about landing your best shots on glass chinned fury and not keeping him down? How about Stiverne taking everything you have for 12 rounds and laughing at it? (Second fight was a clear dive) how about duphass taking everything and not even blinking?? How about Arreola with no defense taking his best shots and Wilder not taking him out?? Bunch of fucking teenage girl groupies. Wilder's power is a myth built on ko'ing a glass chin Szpilka after he literally jumped into a right hand.. ko'ing old man ortiz who NEVER fought punchers and NEVER showed he had a chin to begin with... other than that it's a resume filled with bums old men and dives... Bunch of groupies
Just caught the highlights on a youtube vid. One of the comments made me laugh. "It was like Wilder's right was charging and as soon as it reached 100%, he let it go"
No it was more like his balls were charging. Pussy ass Wilder down 7-0 finally throws a punch. For someone with this "great" power he sure is scared to go after his opponents unless tired or hurt or scared.
1. Who's Proven to Be the Most AMBITIOUS Heavyweight, Currently? 2. What Heavyweight has the Best RESUME, Currently? REED
My question was a serious one. I wasn't being sarcastic. And I wasn't implying his resume is anything impressive at this stage. What I'm wondering is, if Wilder wins the rematch with Fury and then beats Ruiz/Joshua, will it even matter to his naysayers who already seem convinced he is shit?
No, They'll Hold His Lack of Skill, Technique and the ERA in Which he Fights Against Him...REED's Next Video is About this VERY Matter... REED
1. Who's Proven to Be the Most AMBITIOUS Heavyweight, Currently? 2. What Heavyweight has the Best RESUME, Currently? REED
Wilder is an absolutely terrible boxer. Terrible. On that metric alone he ranks as one of the worst, most limited fighters to hold the HW title. But he has two redeeming features. The first is that he never panics. Even when he is getting the shit kicked out of him. Fury and Ortiz must have won about 25 rounds between them, at least, in their respective three fights against him. But Wilder never panicked. He just kept plodding on, in his gormless, clueless way. That's because of his second redeeming feature. He has absolutely ridiculous single shot power. People have talked forever about how punchers need 'just one punch' to win fights but, most of the time, eventually they don't, because they run up against someone who can just about hold up and make them fold. Wilder doesn't. Everyone he hits, properly, with a single shot folds in a heap. Fury only survived because his head hit the canvas and that woke him up from his state of falling-down unconsciousness. He has power that only a handful of boxers have ever had. In the fists of a HW, it's a devastating thing. Wilder is one of the worst boxers I've seen hold the HW world title. But he'd be live against any HW in history, until the very last bell or the very second someone nails him to the canvas. I said before the Ruiz fight that I'd long been convinced he'd lay Joshua spark out, and I'm even more sure of it now. He'd be rounds and round behind then he'd land the single punch to send Joshua back to drug-dealing. Fury can beat him again, for sure, but the question is whether he can avoid getting hit for the full twelve. He doesn't seem to fancy the task, seeing as how he's been fighting absolute no-marks instead of credible fighters. The best HW in the world is Tyson Fury. The man who probably ends up with all the belts, if the respective belt-holders actually fight each other, is Wilder. MTF