Watched it Terrific fight Inoue is tough, man... he took some bombs from Nonito and kept upright and his bodypunching was superb. Nonito definitely a different fighter at bantam, past his best days but still a ridiculous puncher ... he took a beating overall but was dangerous for the whole fight I think both fighters come out looking good from this... Donaire a few years ago looked to me like a guy whose heart wasn't in it anymore but he was a warrior in there ... Inoue took shots that have ended things for most Bantamweights but rode out the storms and kept his composure, proving his substance is right there with his talent Inoue is legit
I don’t get the “Nonito definitely a different fighter at bantam” point. I thought this was the best Donaire’s looked in years and like Reed said he looked filled out and didn’t appear to be weakened. If anything Inoue was the one at a weight class disadvantage IMO. Hell, after two rounds and watching Donaire take Inoue’s best shots I was certain Inoue would eventually get broken down by the bigger fighter in Donaire.
"Immature Little Game"???... Like Pretending to NEVER Be Impressed w/a Fighter???...Or Sneaking Adonis Stevenson Into an Argument Like You Did Last Week in the Canelo-Kovalev Thread???... It's TIRED Bruh... REED
McDogg's Saying "Nonito's Definitely a Different Fighter @ Bantam" IN COMPARISION to How He Looked @ Higher Weights...Or @ Least That's How REED Interpreted It... Nonito Could Beat a Lot of Guys @ '22, but he Had NOfuckingBUSINESS @ '26...Moving Back Down to 118 @ His Age was for Sure a RISK, but the Last 3 WBSS Bouts Proves Nonito Made the Right Decision... REED
I'm no fitness or nutrition expert but I would guess the negative impact of going back down in weight would have a lot to do with what methods were used to go up in the first place. If it's only a diet I would imagine for the most part it would be easier to reverse than if intense weight training and a mix of supplements were used. At that point your body might have changed too much.
Yeah I was saying Nonito is a better fighter at 118 ... poundcake seems to think I was saying the opposite?
Right... If You Do it Like Roy's Move to Heavyweight, Coming Back Down Could Literally KILL Your Career...Roy Added MUSCLE... Nonito's Body Got SOFTER... REED
Having seen the fight I find it hard to believe that this notorious little Japanese has failed to improve on the result achieved by the totally ordinary Carl Frampton.
Inoue's "Totally" 2 Weight Classes LOWER than Frampton as Well...Inoue was at 115 Just 2 Years Ago... REED
Anyways pfp Inoue W12 Donaire, total nobody Frampton W12 Donaire. I expected a stoppage. Donaire even dropped weight.
Yeah, Don't Allow FACTS to Get in Your Way... Donaire "Dropped" To his Best Weight Bruh...Donaire Was SOFT BODIED @ '26...Never Had Any Fucking Business That High, As Illustrated When he "Dropped" Back Down.... REED
donaire fought well. i choose to give him credit rather than to be critical of inoue, who fought with a broken face for 10 rounds and still almost won by KO
Yeah but Inoue..........I expected him to do a lot more. Had him going and couldn't end it. Not sure he's this killer. Good fighter but vulnerable. Cuts is a new thing too.
I don't think the Frampton comparison is fair, it's far more nuanced than that. For a start Frampton is the bigger guy and as has already been said Donaire was nowhere near as effective at the higher weights, plus Inoue is a small dude himself. Secondly, Inoue fought Donaire's fight, Frampton boxed smart and made Nonito lead. Conversely, Inoue had Donaire on the verge of a stoppage a few times, something the larger Frampton never came close to doing. Lastly, it's a bit of a disservice to say Frampton is "totally ordinary", he's a very good fighter. Not elite but is, or at least was, world class. I'm not one of those guys who put Inoue on the same level as Lomachenko, I think Loma is clearly better, but Inoue definitely belongs in the upper echelons of the current p4p list, without question.
Inoue is no killer. All a bit Hypish. All desperate to make out we got these brand new killers in Zip'n'Tuck Inoue and Canelo. It's all bollox. Guy came on the TV just now and said "Ruiz-Joshua is a fight NEITHER man can afford to lose if they want to maintain their legacy". Lot of bullshit floating around. Inoue might just be part of it. I hope not. Can see him going the Chocolatito way.
He is. I just thought he'd wreck Donaire or at least get hit a lot lot less. He got his nose and eye bashed up a bit. Took a lot of punches. I was surprised.
As an Inoue fan I was nervous for him coming into this fight but he showed a chin and grit and ultimately beat up and outlasted a bigger more experienced HOF’er Dudes as elite as they come.
No the way of basically being a -500 favourite and suddenly losing to a guy called Tangawat a Skrikawat 4000 .
Framptons main attributes are that he’s a durable, mobile volume puncher and that’s a horrible matchup for a smaller guy that relies on hard sharp punches. Never the less he still hurt the little fucker.
is he fuck. Frampton throws fewer punches a fight than Vitali used to FFS. He threw 602 shots in the Warrington fight. 592 in the Quigg fight. When he beat LSC in their first fight he won despite throwing around 400 shots less than LSC Vitali threw 700 JABS ALONE when he fought Kevin Johnson. Volume my ass. You don't know what you are on about .