Tough question. I dont think the stoppage itself was fixed. It was a clean, powerful hook behind the ear that fucked up Kov's equilibrium, followed by a clean right hand to the point of the chin that put him through the ropes. It would be hard to fake that... these are boxers, not pro actors. HOWEVER, do I think Kov was paid off to pull his punches? Possibly, yeah.
To REED, "Fixed" Means "I'm Paying You to Intentionally LOSE This Fight"... REED Doesn't Believe that was the Case w/Canelo-Kovalev...Kovalev Could've Easily Taken a Love Tap to His Glass Body and Been Counted Out, if that WERE the Case... REED
As X said, tough question, also by definition. It also is questionable what we mean by fixing, where do we draw the line. I don't know if Kovalev was actually paid an extra million for pulling his punches. However, was Kovalev made to understand that he will get this fight and a career-high payday only if he understood, in turn, that Canelo is supposed to win? That's very possible.
Like Billy Fox/Jake LaMotta? No But there was some things about it that were a bit puzzling and the pre-fight stipulations/arrangements were typically loaded in favor of Alvarez
Kovalev acted strange after the fight too. And with as many fans as Canelo has, it would've been well worth it financially for Canelo's team to pay huge sums to Kovalev. And from kovalev's side, he is clearly over the hill with not great prospects in terms of cleaning out his division or growing his following significantly. And I don't think either party would be bothered by this ethically.
I'm saying yes because there was something very "off" about the whole fight, especially with Canelo being ahead despite throwing nothing, but the knockout was legit. A very strange affair.
Theres just something really dirty about Canelo's whole career. I cant recall another fighter in history with the tables more stacked in their favor throughout a career. Between the questionable decisions, the juicing, the rumors of loaded gloves, the weight cheating, and now, the possibility of fixed fights? He's a good fighter - but do I think he would have been the same fighter without all these factors playing his favor? Absolutely fucking not!
It's almost a shame in a way because he is clearly good. I think he would have gotten a ton of respect for example if the decisions in the GGG fights had gone the right way because he fought his arse off, and deserved respect for the way he fought, but all anybody talks about are the decisions.
That's what i'm thinking. If you're getting paid millions for a fight there is no need for an additional paper bag under the table. I think this is more of an "understanding" before the match gets signed type of case. The money side can walk away from negotiations unless some terms are met. It's also much harder to prove. I don't know one way or the other but something stank.
Boxing fans are clowns. So embarrassed they couldn’t see what was coming they’re ready to give it “another black eye”. What made Kovalev “The Krusher” wasn’t just his pure power, it was his reflexes and the awkward herky jerky rhythm he fought with early in fights that made his punches so hard to read. Even in his prime he could only keep it up for 5 or 6 rounds and after that he became a much more orthodox, less effective fighter as we saw against Chilemba and Ward. Now he’s that fighter for the whole fight and there’s no Krusher anymore. Once he lost a step he realized the herk and jerk wasn’t effective anymore and now he’s just a decent ‘regular’ boxer that’s old and fragile. That’s why Canelo made the fight. Duh...
Thanks for your opinion bazooka joe. In contrast to nearly everyone else, you are certain in your belief it was not fixed. Great! Thanks for that.
Rocky Fielding is a COMPLETE Scrub...Literally THE Least Likely Championship Opponent Canelo Would EVER Need to Cheat Against... REED
terp has really fallen in the last few months/years. He used to be rather knowledgeable,but now he only tries to be edgy and provocative
Yeah, because saying a fight where the past prime underdog got knocked goofy wasn’t fixed is really out there.
What stank was the possibility that Kov would land enough of heavy punches to basically dent Alvarez and take his chin or set him back in some way. Hence all the kid taps.
I don’t know why supposed “real boxing fans” would start yelling about fixed fights just for something to do. Fucking clowns.
The hallmark of all past-prime fighters is that they throw something to try and win or survive or lessen the beating. Kov did not do this.
Lessen the beating? Lmao. What beating? I thought he was winning. At this point the most effective Kovalev isn’t a puncher, he’s a boxer. An old fragile boxer with bad stamina. For all the shit you guys talked in the lead up you seem to have bought the scam hook, line and sinker. “What’s wrong with the Krusher!?”