jejeje That really made me laugh, it wiz a god awful show and this is coming from a laddie who liked 'Automan'.
Yes. The guy in it was Simon McCorkindale who should have been James Bond at some point but it never happened. He spent the last years of his life dying of cancer and acting as a jaded doctor on some shit tv show called "Casualty", which is sort of amusing. Brilliant actor who had it all and turned in an excellent performance as Davies in The Riddle of the Sands.
McCorkindale really was a hugely flexible actor. He and York then went on to star in Sir Ben Dovers stage adaptation of "Deliverance" at the Lyceum in London. The play ran for 69 seasons and received a bending ovation on its last night. "I say there, yes you Sir, remove yourself to the woods, and be rid of those undergarnments!"
"Davies had been alone for some time, and the sight of Carruthers in his little mariners outfit made him want to jam his tiller into Carruthers porthole with great relish. As he carefully plotted his way across the frothing seascape, Davies could scarcely conceal his rapidly expanding spyglass at the thought of plumbing the depths of Carruthers foetid and as yet uncharted channel. As the tides turned and the sea heaved, slowly, carefully, Davies drew his plans against the unsuspecting Carruthers who had scarcely indulged himself since his rowing days at Oxford." "Carruthers however would prove himself a most combative foe............."Git up in dem bilges, boy", he snarled" Poor Davies was soon subdued. Needless to say Ze Germans were blamed.
Yeah, thanks for the info Irish, which doesn´t say anything much about McCorkindale (but the dumbfuck Turk just plows on and on, oblivious)....yet here´s another clip of him turning into...a FALCON!!!!
Well the Commodore C64 isn't for everyone. I wonder if MacCorkindale got cancer from turning into birds and stuff.