I think this could be it for Jones. He’s been winning but hasn’t been totally impressive. I think Jones’ athleticism has slipped considerably and I think he wins now mostly by finding an opponents weakness and consistently attacking it throughout the fight. There probably isn’t another UFC fighter who comes up with and sticks to a game plan like Jones does. Thing is, I’m not sure Reyes has a key weakness to exploit and he’s been looking damn impressive. I think I’m going to actually be rooting for him because to me Jones just hasn’t been the same exciting watch since he came back from coke gate.
You're Correct About Jones Being LESS than Scintillating of Late, But REED Thinks it's More a Case of STYLES Than Slippage... Anthony Smith Fought to SURVIVE and Even Thiago Santos Didn't Open Up All That Much... Dominick Reyes Seems GENUINELY Confident and it'll Be Interesting to See What Happens If/When He Lands that Left Hand...Remains to Be Seen How Reyes REACTS On the Big Stage Though... REED
Good points because Smith absolutely shrunk and didn’t show up at all in his fight against Jones. I don’t know if it was the stage or a lack of self confidence but he really choked. At least with Santos he was dealing with an injury and even then put up more of a fight than Smith who didn’t even deserve to get paid for his bitched up performance. Anyway, like you I’m interested in seeing how real Reyes’ confidence is on the big stage. Looking forward to this one.
Reyes won a minimum of two rounds, so you give him one of the other toss-up rounds he wins. I think in my mind Bones stops him a rematch though
We must have watched a different fight. Fact is that Jones is usually not in a tough fight so when he is, people often give the challenger way more credit than he deserves. Jones' leg kicks were crucial.
That excuse doesnt fly anymore. Jones hasnt been a in a lot of easy fights in the last few years. He wins, but hes losing more and more rounds. Since the first Gustavson fight, the only fight where he was really dominant was (ironically enough) the Gustavson rematch (The Texeira fight might apply, I don't rebember anything about it, don't think I ever saw it. The Cormier rematch doesnt count since he was all roided up).
The Fact Gatti LITERALLY Thinks Jones Got "Beat Up" the 1st 3 Rounds VALIDATES the Point Anthony's Making Bruh... If He'd Even Said Jones "Lost" the 1st 3 Rounds, Cool...No Argument from REED...But People Are Sooooooo Unaccustomed to the Mere Idea of Jones LOSING 3 Rounds, it Equates to Him Getting "Beat Up" to Loooooooooooooooongtime MMA Fans... That's BECAUSE of Jones' Dominance... Jones was Impressive In the Texiera and 1st Cormier Bouts, Even w/Out Stopping Them...And if the KO of Cormier Doesn't Count Because of Roids, There's a SHITLOAD of Fighters Who Should Have Asterisks By Some of Their Wins Also... Jones Definitely HASN'T Looked Impressive Since the Gustaffson RE Though, and REED Thinks he's Officially SLIPPING as a Fighter… REED
Doesnt mean anything. We've seen Jones lose a lot of rounds in the last few years. Him losing round is no longer shocking. If Gatti think Reyes was beating him up, it might be due to biais, preference, alcohol or a ton of other reasons, but Jones dominance is really far on the list He looked impressive against Cormier the first time, but he sure wasnt dominating him. Lost at least a round and cormier was competitive through the fight
And yeah, it goes without saying that when you get caught for roiding, the result of the fight doesnt count
So Losing a ROUND Disqualifies Jones-Cormier I from Being a Dominant Performance???... Cormier Had NEVER Been Taken Off his Feet Previously, Yet Jones Did Just THAT Like 3 Different Times, for Shits and Giggles...Jones Outstriked Cormier, Outwrestled the Olympic Wrestler and Left Not a Single SHRED of Doubt as To Who the Winner of the Fight Was... Jones Didn't Kick Cormier's Ass or Stop Him, but it was a DOMINANT Performance in REED's Opinion... REED
yeah, everybody is on roids, but when you get caught for roiding, it means that at the moment, your level are much higher than the one of your opponent, which gives you a pretty fucking huge advantage. And no offence, but you're being a bit hypocrite here. You would be the first to dismiss a ''win'' against one of your fav if it was tainted by roids (IIRC you were saying the first Silva Sonnen fight didn't count because sonned was roided out of his mind). and wE'll have to disagree on Cormier Jones. It was an impressive and clear win for Jones, but it wasnt a domination
If Anyone's a Hypocrite it's YOU... Every Single Other Time Roids are Brought Up YOU'RE the 1st One Minimizing the Effects of Them and Pointing Out How EVERYONE's On Them...And REED's Never 1nce You Seen You DIMINISHING Another Fighter's Win Because of Juicing...Until NOW... Why the Hell Would REED Say Silva-Sonnen I Didn't Count When it was THE Most Dramatic, Come-from-Behind Win of Anderson's Career???...That Makes NOfuckingSENSE @ All... REED
thought It was clear, but I meant that Sonnen performance didn't count, in the sense that his good showing wasn't a reflection of how good he was compared to Silva. And no, always said that Toney ''victory'' over Ruiz doesn't count, and that Sonnen shouldn't get any accolade for the Silva fight. Always claimed that testing for them is dumb and that they should be legal, but that's a whole different story
I thought Jones lost it 3-2 and even then that had more to do with Reyes gassing and becoming less effective as opposed to anything Jones did. The biggest surprise in this fight was that as well rounded as Jones is he showed a complete inability to counter punch. Reyes gave him plenty of opportunities to counter and Jones just chose to cover up and basically wait for the onslaught to end. At the same time there was zero doubt in my mind Jones would get the decision. Based on some other shakey decisions that night and Rogan pointing out one judge who wasn’t even watching the fight on one of those shakey decisions I knew the UFC wouldn’t let their big bread winner lose whether he deserved to or not. The Shevchenco fight was great. She’s the living embodiment of all the hype that Rhonda Rosey prematurely had. Her speed, reaction time and skill level is on another level and I really liked what Rogan said about her setting the bar that other women have to aspire to reach. I became a fan of hers the first time I saw her fight which was her domination of Holm and she’s my favorite fighter.
BOXING Has Always Been Jon Jones' GLARING Weakness... Phenomenal STRIKER But Boxing TECHNIQUE and KNOW HOW has Obviously Escaped Him...He Nearly Lost the 1st Fight to Gustaffson Due to a LACK of Boxing...Gustaffson Boxed a Good Bit in His Homeland, from What REED's Read and He was Clearly SUPERIOR to Jones in that Particular Regard... Being Mexican-American and Growing Up in Cali, REED has Little Doubt 99% of Dominick Reyes' Street Fights/Altercations were Resolved in Hand-to-Hand BOXING Formats... Winklejon is Jones' Striking Coach if REED's Not Mistaken, but they Need to Add a BOXING SPECIFIC Coach to the Mix Also...No One Needs to Be Replaced, just Make an ADDITION... REED
yeah, jones boxing is pretty bad. He's a decent enough kicboxer, MT fighter, but his hands sucks. Still, I think that his main problem is that he has fallen in love with his striking and don't use his greco roman wreslting nearly enough
99.99999% of Black American Men Have a DEGREE of Boxing/Fist Fighting Experience...Even if They Sucked @ it, They've Seen Punches Thrown, Been Punched and Punched People... Jon Jones Seems like a Fish Out of Water in This Regard, Which is Particularly Strange Being a Black American Male w/Older and Younger BROTHERS...Surely, There were Fist Fights in the Jones Home Back in the Day???... Similar to Jones, Black MMAists Like Rampage, Rashad and Tyron Woodley Wrestled as Well, But Their Hands Are/Were BETTER Than Jones'... REED
Saying he beat him up is a bit dramatic, but so is saying he merely won rounds. Reyes won the first three rounds pretty convincingly, and had Jones running away at certain points. This was a very bad decision.
As much as the UFC used to shit on boxing I think they’re actually more prone to give home town decisions than boxing does. You usually have to win by a pretty substantial margin to maybe beat a hometown fighter and if you want a guaranteed victory you better get a stoppage or dominate.