The Schmo is pretty cool. I like his style but his personality feels a bit phony and slightly over the top but at the same time you got to do something to stand out. Anyone who thinks Pacino’s Tony Montana had a bullshit nonexistent accent should listen to Yoel Romero speaking English. As for the fight I can’t see Isreal dominating Yoel who’s practically made of stone, so if he somehow does so I’d be extremely impressed. To be honest the most I expect from IA is a rough fought split decision where IA is marked up and bruised mixed in with a couple scary moments for him. That’s the best case scenario. Worst case is IA getting caught flush and KO’d as I think he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Out of the 2 scenarios my prediction is IA gets the win via split decision.
You wish. Zhang and Shevchenco have set an almost unattainable bar for women’s MMA and as much as I like JJ she ain’t on their level. It would be great to see a fight between Zhang and Shevchenco at some point but for now I’ll thoroughly enjoy watching them both absolutely dominate their competition.
JJ sucks. Forst time o saw her they were going on and on about her mt skills, and once she started fighting o only saw a small slow sloppy girl with no power
And JJ is actually one of the top female MMA fighters. Meanwhile Shevchenko and Zhang are two of the most talented and well rounded MMA fighters in the UFC male or female and look about at least 5 years ahead of the competition.
He Does a Podcast Every Sooooo Often Where he's Much More Dialed Down and "Normal"...No Glasses or Schtick...Called "Schmozone" or Something to that Effect... Having Seen Both, REED Prefers Dude in Schmo Character for Sure... REED
Joanna's an Excellent All Around Striker By Female Standards, But You're Correct About Her LACK of Power, LACK of Core Strength Altogether, Which Could Leave Her in a World of Hurt Against Zhang... When Asked About Joanna, Zhang Said "She's Not Good @ Finishing and Her Physical Strength Isn't Enough"... Good Clash of Styles, But Joanna Better Strike from a Safe Distance Or She'll Get Punished...Zhang is a Strong, Vicious, Explosive Broad... REED
Yoel, the king of last-minute weigh-in, treadmills off the excess weight all the way up until 10 minutes before the 11AM cut-off to make 185 naked
She is a Beast - I think she finishes JJ off in this fight along with her Amazing Career. New Era begins tomorrow with the proverbial "Passing Of The Torch", REED.
So a weight cheat hunh? What torch is she passing? Zhang is already the champion and Johanna’s lost her last 2 or 3 high profile fights. This loss won’t end her career but she will be reduced to contender status.
jj look better than ever, and this little chinese girl is far from being as good as lb4lb claim she is
Slugfest? Slagfest, more like! Great fight. Jerdzydzyrickzch looks like a fockin Klingon after that...disfigured for life.
Yes it was a bad showing by Zhang and I think this is the worse I’ve ever seen her. I’ve never seen her fight so one dimensionally but she’s better than this. I think that since JJ loves to box so much her team may have thought they could come in and out box her. Props to JJ she fought a tough match and got her face rearranged in the process.
First time I was seeing her, and wasn't too impressed. Sh'es decent, but don't think she's anything special
You should have seen some of her other fights especially how easily she walked through Jessica Andrade to win her championship. Still this isn’t the first time she’s had a lackluster showing so she kind of lacks the consistency of Shevchenko. I had a feeling she might lose or look like crap after how much I bigged her up.