Romero blaming the crappy fight on IA but he wasn’t exactly taking chances and throwing major strikes either. It takes two to make a snoozefest.
During the fight I was thinking how JJ’s boobs are kind of nice. Then while watching the buildup for this fight on a different card they were showing some JJ highlights and I noticed no boobs. So I googled JJ breast implants and long story short, not only did she have a boob job but Zhang was worried about JJ making weight because of the surgery. JJ had trouble making weight in her last fight and actually tried to get a catch weight established that her opponent Michelle Waterson refused to agree to. It’s crazy that JJ would put having nice sized boobs over her fighting career. Personally I didn’t realize those things weighed so much.
Joanna deserved the win and if it weren't for her injuries she would have finished more dominantly. UFC wants that China money hence the verdict. Either 2 way definitely greatest women's fight ever and one of the greatest mma fights ever. An absolute slugfest of the highest level.
Yeah, the ufc has gotten more and more like boxing. The whole card used to be great, now you're lucky if the co main event is decent. Tons of hometown decision.
JJ deserved the win or did she earn it? Because those are two different viewpoints and I had it three rounds to two for Zhang. Most of the rounds were close though and watching it in real time I actually felt like JJ was winning it until I broke it down into rounds.
Some cunt on the "let me use their first names because it sounds like I 'know' them and cos Joe Rogan does it too" Fuckin die!
Based on the Pre-Fight Shit REED Watched, it Seems Joanna is No Looooooooooooooonger GAY... She Spoke Openly of Breaking Up w/her Ex Fiancee, a Female, and Was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay More Cognizant of Her Appearance Than REED Recalls... Nail Polish, Make-Up, Wearing Her Hair Down and a Couple Times She Mentioned Where her After Party Would Be and Invited "Sexy Boys" to Attend... REED
I thought Zhang landed harder strikes and did more damage overall. It could have been scored either way, but they made the right decision. Joanna won fans either way. Anyone who saw this fight would want to see a rematch.
Fights were exciting, but i wouldn't call it a good undercard on paper. JJ vs zheng was a decent main undercard, but the rest was meh. But this one was far from the worst culprit.